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A member registered May 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! Persistent game state shouldn't be too difficult, and definitely should put a prompt in there when the menu is click. Thanks!

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback. I think we'll add camera rotation in the next update!

When you select a house, the UI panel on the left tells you what it is going to do (rest, tend grass, tend trees, create medicine, etc.). No visual indicator yet, but I'd like to get that in for the next update. Which parts did you find ran slow? Although you're absolutely right, parts of the code definitely need to be rewritten to be performant, I imagine Unity's Garbage Collector is working basically constantly.

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for checking it out and giving us your feedback! Rotation would have been really neat and probably not very hard to do, I think I'll pop that in the next update! 


Thanks! Went a little wild with the mechanics on the back end without thinking of a great way to present them to a player with the given timelines. Generally we try and design systems at the start to be really scalable, put the content in, and then move on. When we have all the systems in we can go back and add more stuff (like the losing/penalty quests in the quest system). The menu prompt is a good idea, or at the very least probably persist the playthrough... 

Thank you for playing and taking the time to give us great feedback!

For a short demo or WIP this looks really great! And it looks like something I would have loved to play, which makes me sad there isn't more here. For what is here, it feels great. Being able to place the 3D objects on a rotating asteroid feels surprisingly natural. I liked the asteroid rotating slowly so you would need to have the collectors in different places to harvest sunlight. This is a really cool design space, I hope you continue to work on something like this!

As others have said, I don't think I saw the theme here at all, but still it looks really neat!

This was great! The polish was fantastic! I posted my thoughts on the discord, but I'll post them here as well:

I didn't like having to spam click the mix ingredients. I don't felt like it added to the experience for me?
The mouse over I would have liked to be faster for information, especially as I'm learning what everything does. It was slow enough that for the first few customers I thought the mouseover was broken because it didn't populate fast enough!
Loved the small things, like the customer walking up and into the store.
Really enjoyed the lighting effects, and the ghost popping over to each item.
The character of each of the items was great!
The game length was also really good, I feel like if it was longer I would be less inclined to play again to get another score, but it's short and sweet enough that if I wasn't going through and checking out a bunch of games I would want to get onto the high score board. I think that's a great design choice!

I liked the music in the game, and I liked the responsiveness of the gameplay, everything acted like I was expecting it to. The camera shake was definitely too much for me, especially as it just remained on for a while. I would have preferred (greatly preferred) a different feedback cue for wrong choices.

I liked the puzzle! Wish there was more of the world to explore and puzzles to solve! Great work with sounds like you only had 24 hours to make, it's very well put together!

I really liked the ambiance and feel of the game, the music felt very haunting. I would have liked it more if when I clicked through the text it showed the full message instead of skipping to the next message. 

The gameplay itself I think needed more work to feel good, the platforming felt very loose. When I hit some things in mid-air I lost control, and there were some jumps that felt like they might have invisible blockers preventing me from making them.

Anyway, great work for 48 hours, definitely felt this nailed the theme!

Great game with a lot of great polish! I think I would have really liked more 'cursey' sound effects, but the music was fantastic. The gameplay loop was fast and tight, so you could learn by trial which was great! I enjoyed the limited time between moves had some leniency for learning and mistakes, while also maintaining challenge. 

I did run into an issue with random keys where I got a key that was 'semic'. Although looking at it now I imagine that was probably semicolon, in the game I had zero idea what it could have been.

Fun game!

This felt to me like the shell of something that could have been really fun if you had a little more time to work on it. There are a lot of interesting things happening, like burger people chasing you, runes spawning, curses counting down and candles to find, but I felt there was very little information given to the player about what was happening. I would have liked if when I used a rune there was more feedback to tell me exactly what it was doing, was I supposed to run into zombies with the runes activated? I also tried pressing space on most things I could see, but I never saw it have any effect, so I'm not sure if I missed it, or wasn't at the right place? More information about that stuff would have been super helpful too!

Good job on getting something finished and submitted in 48 hours! The game visually felt nice, if you continued working on it my biggest suggestion would be tell the player more through world feedback. 

Thanks for playing!

Thanks! We generally try and spend the first day roughing in content and mechanics, and the second day building 'Juice' and polish. FInding out you can't use Visual Effect Graph from Unity in WebGL builds definitely slowed us down.

Thanks for playing and thanks especially for the fantastic feedback. Do you mean putting icons above each of the houses to tell the user what that house is going to be doing? Like a thought bubble that has a tree in it if they're going to tend trees or a bed if they're going to rest? I really like that idea! So you can quickly get all the information that's happening in and make decisions.

The shortcuts to cast the curses is also a really smart idea, so you can just select an object and press the correct hotkey. 

Thanks a lot for playing and thank you so much for the great feedback, it's very helpful and appreciated!


Pretty cool take on the word typing genre! I enjoyed learning some new words and practicing my typing! My main comment would be on the font visibility. I struggled with i and l I think the most, but there were a couple other letters that tripped me for words I had never seen before and seemed almost nonsensical. Haha harder to guess the letter from context when you have no idea what it is. 

Really polished and great work for 48 hours! Super impressive!

For the platforming, I was specifically talking about visibility. The walls that I felt I couldn't pass through were hard for me to visually separate from the background. Does that make more sense? 

Really liked the idea behind the game! The music was nice, but I don't know if it fit the vibe of "I'm corrupting people to build a zombie army"? I really liked the idea of upgrading my zombies to take on new challenges, but I disliked that I had to just play the same level and keep losing to grind up the hearts to do so. Even smaller levels that maybe gave a bonus when you finished them would have been nicer to me. I thought the AI was decent, but I think the next level of polish would be tying it all together. Right now the zombies sometimes swing and run through their targets, they miss, it feels very... 'loose'? If that's the right word? I think it would really come together if the animation's were better paired with the movements and actions.

I also think the upgrades were great, but there wasn't really a choice in any of them. It might be more interesting to have Speed OR Strength, where one locks out the other etc. It leads to tough and interesting player decisions. All in all though, I think it nailed the theme, I enjoyed it and had fun, and congratulations on getting a game finished and submitted!

This was so good! It feels like a full game, which is so incredibly hard to accomplish in such a short time. The sound and music were great, the animations felt good, and the UI did it's job! I really liked the progression of difficulty, but thought maybe the timer was forgiving? By the end of level 4 I think you have a huge line of people and it felt like I was going through the motions of clearing a large queue of folks needing their curses without a lot of challenge. 

Having points given for time left to encourage speed might have been a nice little 'mini' objective while you played through. When I saw the question mark first come up, I thought it meant I had to guess which hex they wanted, and when it failed I was expecting them to go to the back of line where I try and remember what I had tried before and eliminate the possibilities that way. Might have been a neat mechanic if you could build in clues to the characters in some way.

Anyway, great game, 100% the most polished and finished looking one I've seen so far, you've done a great thing here in a short time! Cheers!

For a simple game, it was surprisingly engaging once I got into it! I would have liked to know why I was unable to go back through doors again, if there was a cooldown or something that prevented me from doing it. I liked a lot of the ambiance, the music and sound was great, the light gradually shifting was nice paired with the light from the lamps and how the zombie also got harder to see as the night progressed. 

I also enjoyed the extra little bit when you become a zombie when you die, a fun little easter egg like thing. I would have enjoyed having the platforming visibility cleaned up a little, making edges more clear + intuitive. 

First off, congratulations of completing and submitting, especially if this is your first jam! That's awesome! I really liked the last level where you were falling through the saw blades, it really brought me back to an old NES Megaman game. The jump I found finicky, I found often when I tried to jump it was either too much, or too little (usually too little, I was expecting to jump further but I had let go too early). The computer mechanic is neat, and it's well introduced to push you along the game at a good pace which I think is actually really great design. It rewards you for playing fast and loose, for always trying to push through. I think you could even have the computers deactivate after you used them to force the player to continue forward, with the break coming between levels. 

I really liked the indicators you put in for the player's health, both the visual and audio cues were great and conveyed what I needed to know. The last level was really fun and I would have loved to see more levels like that, that were fast and frantic, instead of the typical jumping up platforms that come with most generic platformers these days. Great work!

When I click play game, nothing seems to happen. The screen goes maybe a dark gray, but none of the keys work and tab moves my window down, nothing in game (thought of trying to restart). I'm running windows 10, chrome. Any suggestions?

I'm generally not a huge platformer fan, but I really liked the minimalist feel of this. I liked the quick jump, I would have liked slightly snappier controls on launching the curse out of myself. The one thing I absolutely loved was the level design, which can be really hard to nail for the short time span!

The other thing I initially thought was when the yellow curse let me walk through walls, I thought I had to return to where I picked up the first treasure to try and walk through there. Not a big deal. It was fun, I enjoyed it, and the particularly twisty ending.

Just wanted to say this is really well thought out feedback and mirrored things I felt but didn't know I thought. Thank you!

Ah, that's really cool! Haha I didn't realize there were villagers, I was just killing everything! I really like the idea of multiple endings, and the endings telling you part of the story and hinting at other ways to play or check out.

Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you found it challenging! As it's randomly generated levels, some of them can be VERY hard. The easier ones generally have more empty tiles with just trees, so you can wither them quickly and gain more magic points.

Haha the UI was messed up as we decided with about an hour to go to switch the end day button and the city name to different places, and I was in a panic as I forgot to change their anchors, so I only saw it on the WebGL resolution. Lessons learned! Thanks so much for playing!

Thank you thank you! If you had feedback on any ideas to make it easier to understand, would love to hear it! Thanks for playing!

When will they learn to stay in their homes and let us wither their trees in peace?! Thanks for playing!

Thanks! Negative/Penalty/Losing quests will probably be split into something different if we continue working on it, as it's kind of a weird fit, but it was just faster to write. If you had ideas to make it easier to understand, would love to hear them! Thanks for playing, and for the feedback!

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback! If you have any ideas on how you would like information conveyed to you in the game, I would love to hear it!

(1 edit)

ahhhh, I definitely clicked the heck out of it! Just tried it again, without clicking (except for the play game) and I still had the same issue. Maybe it's just me! 

Haha makes sense! I liked the exploration aspect, maybe I just felt a little too rail-roaded? But that could also just be due to the constraints of a jam, it's super hard to get all the content we want in. Nice work!

Thanks for playing! I was trying to figure out a way to more easily convey what was happening for the player, but struggled. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Thanks! Some of the UI elements I anchored to the wrong spot... :( and didn't have time to fix. If you had specific ideas for the UI I'd love to hear it! Thanks for playing!

I think so! It's pretty over complicated for a game jam game, but I'm such a sucker for strategy and simulation games.

I enjoyed the ambiance of the game, visuals, sounds and music. I got a bunch of different potions, but I felt like I lacked a clear objective besides the slaughter of many monsters to accumulate said potions. I would have liked more direction or tasks to give some reason for my mayhem. Even if it was arbitrary like 'collect 10 red potions', it would help me seek out how I get red potions and teach me about the game. The controls were decent, I found it sometimes difficult to pick up potions and would have liked them to be a little 'tighter'? Like more responsive when I expected them to be responsive. 

All in all, great work though I didn't see any bugs and it was fun killing my way through legions of these strange creatures.

I had a sweet particle effect that swirled around the selected object but didn't realize when I built it that the visual effect graph for unity doesn't seem to work with webgl builds. So I threw together that sphere REAL fast. Haha.

Thank you for the feedback and for checking it out, highlighting the spell is a great idea and I'll probably add that if we continue working on it. Cheers!

Love a good puzzle game! Probably the most complete game I've seen this jam, I really enjoyed it. The last puzzle took me a bit to figure out, which I really liked. I think I would have better appreciated if instead of all of the cursors being introduced in the first row of levels, is having one or two introduced and then doing some levels with those and learning them. Then, when I have mastery over those, having new ones introduced. It felt slightly overwhelming at the start. I really enjoyed the game though, and really enjoyed the effects when things blew up. Great work!

Haha loved the vibe! I wandered around and enjoyed the scene, tried to kick some people, tried to dance with some people, tried to get bitten by a zombie, all pretty typical rave things. It felt really well put together, I would have enjoyed if there was some hidden undertone or mystery to solve/discover (unless there was... did I miss it!?)

Classic cursed feel. The controls were... surprisingly responsive and I wouldn't say did what I wanted, but did what I expected they might. Haha, I would have liked more to explore, I think I got the flag three times before I felt I might have been in some sort of infinite loop. The ambiance of the game was great, the music was well chosen/made and the slight reactions of the characters were nice. I just wish there was more, either more to do, more challenge, or more to explore. 
