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Good job! The premise is amusing. On clicking new initially I waited a few seconds for the game to start. The UI design is otherwise really nice and polished.

I'm impressed by the gameplay. I really like the turn-based combat, especially with the different traits each character has, and well done on the AI! I did find that having to press tab each time out of combat was a little tedious, I'm not sure if there's a way around it.

That you actually implemented an interesting pickup and upgrade system on top of everything else was super impressive. Overall, very polished with actual depth to gameplay, and I can definitely see this game being expanded upon.

Hey! Thanks for playing our game and super glad you enjoyed it! ^^


Yes... Calling the button used to erase your save file "New" was a bit of an oversight on my part...

Actually we should we should called it "Erase" to better communicate its function :'(

Thanks for playing :D