Finished the game on Normal. Really impressive how much content there is and the level of polish...I'm pretty sure it took me 30 minutes with 4 deaths to beat it. Lots of great little touches like the kill counts at the end, NPC dialogue, arrow indicator, etc! As far as visuals, I think the post processing is a little much but the ambiance is cool. The tutorial was so thorough...I feel like you communicated all possible expectations and prepared me emotionally (and intellectually) for what I was about to do. A few pieces of constructive criticism:
1) The companion mechanic was fun and I was impressed with the level of control. However, it would've been nice to see this mechanic explored more meaningfully in the gameplay and boss fights as I think it really sets this apart from traditional bullet hell games.
2) The boss battles (I'm not much of a bullet hell player so please take this with a grain of salt): it would have been nice to see a little more variety in the fights themselves. Things like the bosses moving around, maybe some physical attacks rather than just lots of projectiles to dodge. I also got a bit frustrated at how arbitrary the periods of bullet hell invulnerability lasted. Ultimately I felt good after I finally beat them though.
Sorry for the wall of text. Overall this is an incredibly impressive and engaging game for a jam entry. Amazing work!