Stringy: you're got it all wrong, he teaches us abt LOVE. Everything he does is LOVE based
Penelope: *sigh*....
Penelope:....kid.......theres something i have to tell you....but you have to be open to hear it, okay?
Penelope: *in her mind: yes, plan A is working, plan B is in motion, and plans C and D are backed up*
Penelope: * Shrignold and i have grown up together, so im about 65.7% sure he'll belive me after i back up what im about to tell him*
Penelope has bamboozled Shrignold by questioning everything Shrignold knows about "love"
let me explain:
Shrignold was taght the story of the ugly guy who died alone in a cave, and Malcolm says thats what "love" is
yet Shrignold knows that Paige and whoever being married is love
so Penelope asked witch one is real love
Penelope: go ahead and think about that for a moment Shrignold
Penelope: but dont different types have to be simmalair Shrignold?
Penelope: and these are opposites, so they cant be the same thing Shrignold
Penelope: one of them has to be fake
Penelope: why dont you get my phone so we can both see witch one is real love, and witch one is a trap so Malcolm can be a murderous abusive fucker to you?