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Hi can i ask something? i engage Darius route, it's been a long time since i last pay this game but does anyone know how can i make Darius speak out his feelings? i tried multiple choices but Darius still seems to hide his feelings for mc.

The only time Darius express his feeling to MC on day 27, before that he treat the MC as a friend. because all the time I played his route,  he never tell him about his feeling before the camping which made the MC think Darius has not feeling for him. 

(1 edit)

Actually there are 2 ways to know that Darius is starting to have feelings for you.

1) He starts to refer to himself as "your lion" to the MC and never seems to realize he's doing this. This is a huge flag since it lets you know that your supportive friendship and sexual teasing him back is causing him to drop the walls he has around his heart.

2) Once he starts to refer to himself as the MC's "your lion", if you make choices that hurt him, his character cutout will change to reflex that fact you hurt him, even though he says nothing.

These 2 things help you to know your on the right track with him. Hopefully in the remaining days of his route we will be able to help Darius overcome the cause of the hurt that made him so overly protective of gettting hurt again (I have some suspicions as to what going on here).

thank you so much☺💖

in day 27 when i play Darius still hasn't confess to mc somehow but i will try backtrack again to see where i did wrong. I don't know if Darius refer himself as the mc's lion but the time when both of them were at the hospital, Darius heartbeat went fast when mc was with him.

Sorry to hear you are having trouble. If you are Paetron supporter for the game they do have guides for the routes.