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That was a cool game. The atmosphere is very well put together until... The WTF ending! The sunset light in the background is very cool and the audio mix is reeeally cool.

However, I struggled with controls, especially in the crate-moment (eventually got stuck and restarted the game). I also think that mixing 3D background and 2D character sprites is a bit confusing, but that's a personal opinion (apparently other jammers enjoyed it).

Congrats for your submission!


Hahah, the ending gets a lot of people! Don't worry, it was my terrible plan from the start.

Glad you appreciated the environment of the first level! I'm aware there's not much to marvel at later on, so I don't blame you for maybe not being as excited about them.

Sorry about the box getting stuck! I was aware about the issue as soon as I implemented it, but I ran short on time and I was feeling real beat towards the end.

Super sorry you weren't as big a fan as the 2.5D feel! It's not for everybody, and I can understand how it can be confusing.

Thanks for checking out my game! I super appreciate the feedback as well!