Awesome game with a unique twist on auto chess and lots of polish! I had a lot of fun beating up the AI.
A tutorial would've been really nice for this game, as even after reading the game description I did not understand why a rook could attack multiple times and beeline straight towards my king. I only figured out because I saw a horse doing the same thing and it clicked, but I was under the impression that rooks and queens had a trample ability before that.
Also, I am still unclear on what conditions allow you to damage the king. There were multiple times where my queens / rooks had a straight shot to the other side of the board but they didn't damage the king. I feel like you should make it clear which tiles damage the king by adding tiles under the king.
Another thing, it was a bit unclear on which order the attacks happen in, maybe adding a little turn order indicator somewhere would help.
Overall I really enjoyed this game, good job