Nice concept! I like the music, it's very good! Overall, it play like an engaging game with an interesting story.
Unfortunately, the game in the end after several playthroughs left me confused - does it have branching story? It seems to me that the only way is to fail, because I didn't find any alternatives.
I guess, the game is still work in progress, for example: every time you enter the room with the bell, the ability to rewind time activates. In the janitor room for the first time the door gets locked and it kinda forces you to use the ability, but then you can freely enter the room again, get the ability, get out and use it. I thought it had to be that way to investigate other rooms and maybe avoid contacting the bartender, but nothing was happening when used outside the janitor room.
Each time you enter the rooms with the bell, their state resets: I go to the janitor room, it's evening. I rewind time, it's afternoon. I go the vault - it's afternoon. I rewind time - it's morning. I go back to the janitor room: it's evening :) I got lost, where shoud use the ability? Only in the rooms with the bell, or outside, too?
So, if your story has other endings, please tell me the solution, I'd like to continue playing :)
I agree with Chugwig on the movement and talking with characters issues.
Anyway, I think this game has potential, especially because how you shaped it.
Good job!