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Hi! So this game is really getting popular after 2 years of age, I play a lot of games like this so i've got some ideas for roles.

1. Detective- So this role would have a tablet or some sort of device in which he can see all rooms at once for 20 seconds (nerf is op) however this will have a 30-50 second cooldown so it won't be that op, he also has a stun gun ability to use if he's being skeptical about someone.

2. Spy- So this role has a very special ability that you need to use wisely and their goal is to make the impostor win. This guy would be in team with the impostor having the ability to see other's role, for example: if I wanna find the detective, i can use my ability to scan other players to see their role. (30 sec cooldown)

3.The guard- So this role is part of the crewmate team. He can go to a certain place in where he can watch with CCTVs all around the place, he also has the ability to see other player's role like the spy. btw he can go to the guard room for 30 secs, after that he will automatically go out and also 1 min cooldown.

4. The sabotager- I know, I know the impostor can already sabotage BUT this guy can specifically sabotage anything with 25 seconds cooldown. For ex: He can sabotage the cam in the room where his team is at, so if the impostor just killed a guy alone in a room, he can destroy the camera in there so the guy at security wont be able to see in that room, The guard can aslo be affected.

5. The silencer- Impostor role, but only a bit useful, or you can just put this guy's ability to the impostor itself. He has the ability to silence anyone, so for ex: if someone saw the impostor kill, he can silence the guy that saw the killing for 1 emergency meeting, avoiding the impostor being caught too fast. Has 1 emergency meeting cooldown..

6. The technician- This guy is able to launch a drone, a Remote controlled car, and put cams into different spots with it being completely hidden, So he can control an RC, and a drone with a camera and can move around the map for 20 seconds, with a cooldown of 30 seconds. The impostor team can shoot the drone and the RC to destroy it but also has a cooldown of 30 secs to do that again. The technician can abandon his drone or RC  quickly to run away if someone is coming

so 3 roles for the evil team and 3 roles to the good team. 50/50 all fair and square btw make the crewmate have the ability to run 30% faster than normal but has a cooldown of around 20-30 seconds

i really hope this gets into the game so I can once contribute to a popular game (which i never had to do) if you have any questions just dm me in twitter

Yeah this is a good idea

It would completely change the game though :(

the reference to this was town of salem i think, its not possible it will change the whole game