Hi. I played and recorded your game on a video. I enjoyed it. I think that I finished the demo, but I did not hear what you said at some moments, so I am not sure what it was at the end. I hope to see the full version soon. If you want me to delete the video, let me know. However, if you like the video, I make videos for such developers like you every day. I will be happy if you subscribe.
Thank you so much. This is the single most valuable bit of feedback I've been given since I started working on the game.
This is the first time I've been able to watch someone else interact with the world so I can see what things are too obvious, what things are too obscure, and what things are just plain uninteresting. You did get to the end, but you also skipped the vast majority of the content in the last two levels and that is my fault as a developer. I didn't properly guide you. You also showed me some mistakes that I need to fix, like being able to fall to your death (there is supposed to be a safety net) skipping the stealth area in the beginning (trigger must not have fired) and also skipping from the second platform right to the end castle, which was fantastic to watch and I'm totally going to add something in about that. Also definitely going to do something to make all those keys more grabbable.
It was great to see you get so into the early portions, making the key noise when you tried to pull it out from under the vending machine and searching for secrets that weren't there.
Thanks Vlad. This was great.
I enjoyed playing your game. It may look like I was bored there. I just had a difficult day at my school, so I was tired. One of my most significant suggestions would be to optimize fps. I think that it could be solved if the game had a downloadable version. Unity webGL is not good enough at the moment. When I made a simple game about a running snowball, my pc did not handle the WebGL build while it can run the latest AAA games. I will be happy to make more videos about your games in the future.