Yep, the desktop version worked much better. Performance was perfectly reasonable and no crashes. This was fun to play with and I can definitely see an expanded version with more distinct kinds of meeples being fun as a full game.
I found the king's controls a bit awkward. I often had trouble getting him to pick up coins and would have to circle back several times before it worked. Making the hit boxes a bit larger might be enough to fix that.
The routing on the meeples was problematic. It was often a struggle to get them all through a gate without some getting trapped in a corner. I think using basic pathfinding rather than just moving straight towards the king would fix that
The mechanism for assigning how many meeples should attack an enemy took me a while to figure out. It basically wasn't until I came to one of the keys with a number that counted down as you assigned meeples to it that I figured out what was going on. I'm not sure that that mechanism was adding much to the game. I can see how it could allow you to strategically split your forces or something but that didn't seem to be useful or possible in this version. At least it would be nice to make it clearer what's going on.
It also was not clear to me if the different prices for the meeples corresponded to differences in combat effectiveness or if some were just better deals than others. If there were differences between the different types they were too subtle for me to see in the big fights.
The camera was a bit off as well. It would have been nice to be able to see further and there were several times, I think always when I was moving down, that I lost basically all visibility in the direction I was heading.