Hey Hawkinberry, thanks so much for playing Hooked! My main character was the little dude with the staff in the section with all the different humans, I think he's meant to be a farmer but I used the staff/pole as a fishing rod. Then I just coloured him up and popped him in a boat!
I'm glad you enjoyed the intro, I wanted to make it very clear how to play and what to do without writing it in the description of the game. Nothing wrong with doing that, but it was a challenge I set for myself.
A slower tempo on the game over screen is a good idea, it does leave the player a bit gee'd up once the game is over by leaving it. A funny bug I had was that the tempo kept increasing on this page and eventually overflowed and reset back to extremely slow (so maybe that would have been good to keep in?) Thanks again for playing, I'll play your game now!