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Hi, I spent on this game more time then ever in this jam. It's cool but I noticed some really annoying bugs.

  • He is toooooooooo fast maybe add little bit acceleration but reduce speed
  • Some walls have no collisions
  • You can exit the house by the door (there would be nothing but godot's empty screen)

GAME IS AWESOME, but it need a LOOOOOOT of SKILLLL to be played. (maybe it's because  I haven't watched the trailer)

Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback!

We really wish we had made the game easier :'( The player is also probably a bit too fast. Even I had issues sometimes going through doorways because of how fast they move haha. Lessons learned for the next jam!

We used Godot's TileMap to do the house walls and there are a few tiles that don't have the correct collision shape so you can escape your family and run away... <.< The front door was actually on purpose because we wanted some chores to be outside like mowing the lawn and taking out the trash. Alas, we had way more ideas than time to implement them!