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I'd turn up deceleration a bit since it's hard to get through some doors, I think due to decelerating too slowly. 

I think I'd have the enemies start path finding only after they see you.  I think there was one behind a door that was trying to get me before I opened the door.

A target reticule might have been nice to make it easier to tell where your aiming.  It sometimes felt like it wasn't quite right at the mouse due to the 2.5d.

I can't believe how polished you got your game.  It's really incredible.  Integrating the tutorial into the game in such a natural way and also picking a very natural control scheme were good moves.  It made it really intuitive to pick up and play and seemed to be something that a lot of other games really struggled with.

A web version seems like it might have been worth it.  Given that you built it in Godot, I wouldn't have thought that would be much extra work.

Thanks, all very useful feedback!

Targetting reticule is a good idea, I think you might have had trouble with the aiming because it projects the mouse positition on to the ground plane, which might be a bit low. Perhaps projecting on to the mid-height of the enemies would be more natural. Either way a reticule would help give feedback to adjust.

Enemies are one area that I think is a bit lacking. The logic for them is very simple, with just a radius to the player and some simple move towards the player logic. I had intended to make use of raycasting line of sight for each enemy, but ran out of time before submitting. I would also like to add navmeshes at some point to prevent them getting stuck.

I agree that I really should have exported a web version, I did try it and ran in to a few problems getting it running locally on my machine and was running low on time. It might be worth me trying again when I do the update release after voting ends.

If you ran into the same issues with web version that I did, it's due to the local http files not actually being served by a web server. There are a few quick ways to solve this:

  1. Install python. From command line, navigate to the export folder, then start a Python web server. Open your browser to and the correct port. 
  2. Install Visual Studio Code. Install this plugin. Open the html file that you exported from Godot and then press the Go Live button in the bottom right of VSC. 

If you run into trouble, I can hop on discord and we can try to solve, if you'd like.