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A member registered Jun 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I felt the same about trying to control while it was moving.  I was thinking maybe you should have to click into the interface and when the text entry is focused, the physics is paused.  Good feedback, though!

If you ran into the same issues with web version that I did, it's due to the local http files not actually being served by a web server. There are a few quick ways to solve this:

  1. Install python. From command line, navigate to the export folder, then start a Python web server. Open your browser to and the correct port. 
  2. Install Visual Studio Code. Install this plugin. Open the html file that you exported from Godot and then press the Go Live button in the bottom right of VSC. 

If you run into trouble, I can hop on discord and we can try to solve, if you'd like.

(1 edit)

I'd turn up deceleration a bit since it's hard to get through some doors, I think due to decelerating too slowly. 

I think I'd have the enemies start path finding only after they see you.  I think there was one behind a door that was trying to get me before I opened the door.

A target reticule might have been nice to make it easier to tell where your aiming.  It sometimes felt like it wasn't quite right at the mouse due to the 2.5d.

I can't believe how polished you got your game.  It's really incredible.  Integrating the tutorial into the game in such a natural way and also picking a very natural control scheme were good moves.  It made it really intuitive to pick up and play and seemed to be something that a lot of other games really struggled with.

A web version seems like it might have been worth it.  Given that you built it in Godot, I wouldn't have thought that would be much extra work.

I really like how the loose condition isn't binary.  Even if they get to the gem, you can still take them out before they run off with it.  

I almost didn't believe you made the game with the provided assets.  It's incredible how well put together your art is!

That was incredibly polished.  I liked the decision to make the king really weak and not able to fight.  I feel mixed about how easy it was to purchase surfs: on one had, it's was handy in a fight where you're trying to move quick, on the other, I made a few accidental purchases.  Really fun, though!

I was hoping that having the help page pulled up might help with figuring out control.  Might have to re-thing that. 

After submitting I realized how many things I forgot to do.  Maybe I should think about a task tracker like teamwork or trello next time.

I liked those puzzles.  I've tried to come up with puzzles before and it's really tricky.  Kudos.  Even the second level had me stumped for a bit before I wrapped my head around the concept.

haha.  yeah...
I wish I wasn't quite so up against the clock.  I managed to completely forget to do anything for Ballast :'(

Confirmed to be working!

OK, I played this all the way through and there are only a few small things I could critique it on at all:

  1. the sprites for the different classes don't feel distinctive enough.  maybe some color variation too?
  2. Animations felt a bit slow, athough I think they were also felt very natural.  Maybe a quick animations toggle?
  3. Tooltips or labels on the legend showing what differentiates the classes (move range, etc) would be helpful
  4. From a gameplay standpoint, would it make sense for units to block units on the same team?  Maybe they actually do but the UI doesn't indicate that?
  5. Is attack range not enforced?  I wasn't sure if I was misunderstanding the UI or if  you hadn't gotten to that yet.
  6. A way to de-select a unit without using it's turn would be nice.

And some other thoughts:

  1. I really like how the characters darken when they've moved.  Back when I used to play Civ 1, that was a huge pet peeve that you couldn't tell which were already moved.
  2. I really like that the game auto-detects that you're out of moves and turns over to the other player.
  3. Smart move to have local multiplayer.  I think a few other games had network-based and struggled to have enough players to make a video and I imagine that's affecting them during the jam, too.
  4. Click and drag for attacking from current position would have felt natural.   It feels good the way it is, too, though.
  5. You said it's not a finished product but I think, at least, it's pretty darn feature complete.

I'm seriously impressed.

Thank you!

I was talking to a friend and he suggested it would be nice if the entities had tab-complete.  I want to also figure out how to add aliases so that you could do something like `bind 'ep={1},{2}' as 'set engine={1} prop={2}'` or something.  Make the custom commands user-settable.

That was really slick!  I liked the possession.  Took me a while to get the hang of it.  It seemed a bit odd when I tried to take a possessed character through to the next level and seemed like I kept getting stuck.  I could ghost to get out of that, though.  I wish that dying reset the stage rather than all the way back to the beginning (I died a lot).

I liked your game!  Slick concept and really excellent execution.

I only really got to idea demo, but here's mine. It's the first game I've ever made, so please give lots of criticism.

I think there's a thread in the jam discussions about allowing late submissions so I bet you could get an updated version submitted through that? 

FYI it looks like the web version never finishes loading.

The mouse seemed a bit finicky (almost like mouse acceleration was on).  I feel like you could make more use of shadows to better communicate where walls are.

Your modeling was really good.  Sound was good.  I liked your enemy variety.  Environment was inspired, especially for 48 hours.