I just finished the demo and I think I'm in love 😍
This was a really great experience and scratched that tactics rpg itch I've had for a while. The environment art is really well done, especially the cave tileset. I'll admit the only tactics rpg I've invested more than 10 hours into is Fire Emblem so I'm unfamiliar with the mechanics of the Shining Force games. I have a few suggestions that might help with the development of the game for people like me:
- Keyboard controls weren't listed in the game so I had to button mash every key to find out how to do basic things.
- A dedicated visual tutorial on how combat works should be implemented. I spent the first few battles struggling to understand how to use Prym. I was unaware her real attacks were in the specials menu for the first few battles.
- Although I beat the demo I still don't know what exactly happens when units fall. If the countdown reaches 0 then are the units gone permanently?
- This isn't related to gameplay but I think the dialogue could use some revising. I don't know the personality of any of the main characters. What are their personal motivations? Why are they fighting? What's their relationship with each other? Why is Arnen the main character? Dolvis is literally a random person who just decided to tag along for no reason if I remember correctly lol.
But with these problems aside, I can't wait to see the finished product! I'm excited to see what next in the story. Keep up the good work!