bug report! on Mac, if I follow the tutorial instructions exactly, the game softlocks when I try to light the fire. I have tried 3 separate times, it always happens at the same moment. I have tried 2 times on the older build (0.3?) and 1 time on the most recent update.
I set up the fire with 3 fuels and kindling, I pick up the poetry, I pick up the spark, I walk over to the fire and click on it. After a left click it says "DESTROY LIFE FOR FIRE", and I can't move any more. I can move the mouse around though. Then, if I right click, it locks my mouse to the center of the screen (cursor remains visible) and I can't do anything. However, clicking left/right mouse buttons seems to alternate the iconography over the fire between [LIGHTER] + [LIFE] and just [LIFE].
I have a stylus/tablet plugged in, but I am using a regular mouse and keyboard.