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(1 edit) (+1)

Good game. A lot of collision shapes were out of place but it was still playable. Just a suggestion, can you move the onscreen joystick to the left. It is very uncommon for games to have it on the right. As for the story line, it was really amazing apart from the ending. I get your point of view, but lets try not to become extremists. Just because someone is going to airport, does not make them enemy of the state. 

And just to put bring a broad view in this picture, the engine that you used is not developed in India. So think about that a little. Shouldn't we created our own engine instead of using engines from other countries?



Thanks for playing my game 

I know there is many glitch and some part of the story is messy but I just make this game for fun.  

And thanks for giving me your price less time 

Again thanks.