Hey @jukesy1992, thanks so very much for the feedback! Honestly, I didn't expect anyone to actually play this game at all, if I'm being quite frank. I mostly posted it to track my progress as a new developer, so I could see my journey from where I was on day one to where I (hopefully) will end up. But the fact that you played and were kind enough to provide genuine, honest feedback really made my day. Thank you.
I will admit; I am still new to this whole process, so accessibility for any kind of disability is something that is still very foreign to me, but something I very much want to be aware of and incorporate in all of my games. I don't ever want any one group to feel left out because of my ignorance, but it is because of feedback like this that I can not only fix the issues in my current games, but keep that in mind as I move forward in my journey. Please accept my apologies for not considering how you might be playing the game, and know that I will continue to be better as I grow. I knew the game was far from perfect out of the gate, but I never, ever want anyone to feel excluded while playing. That never is, or never will be, my intent while developing.
All that being said, I have updated the original game to have lower volume music, as I should have honestly done that in the first place. I have also created a second file to download that is labeled "blind accessible" which eliminates the text scrolling entirely and should make it easier on your screen reader, and effectively, easier on you.
Again, I hope you understand where my error comes from and will accept my apology, and I really hope that you enjoy playing now that the issue is resolved. Thank you so much for taking the time to educate me further.