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I apologise for misinterpreting your post (I feel dumb now...), I thought those were permanent changes (to be fair those are a lot of mechanics for one update, it's normal to postpone some of them for the future).

I don't know if you are interested in other people's ideas (consider this part a sort of brainstorming) but I have some of them that I'd like to share with you (they are probably stupid or useless but if one of them will give you even a glimpse of a good idea it will be worth it), also I'm not a programmer so I don't know if they will be easy or difficult to program into the game.

I don't know how similar the currency between the male and female PC must be but like how the female PC's womb can become bigger (and contain more sperm) every time she gets pregnant, the male PC's sperm can increase its quantity or quality for every impregnation and use his own sperm as currency(all of this of course IF sperm is the currency).

If the problem is the offspring itself, maybe like the female PC can give birth in town, the male PC, after impregnating a boss, can charm or kidnap it and bring it into the town (unlocking the gallery scene with that type of enemy).

Another idea is to use offsprings as currency with the male PC, just like the female PC can "extract" and "incorporate" more sperm by having sex with more monsters, the male PC can "pick up/generate" more offsprings by impregnating more monsters (if you considered the quality/quantity sperm mechanic maybe he can unlock the possibility to "create" twins, triplets, quadruplets etc... and multiply your earnings).

Last idea, if the bosses in this game will be "static" (I don't know if it's the right term, I mean always the same person or NPC) and not random maybe you can make THEIR womb scale with the number of times THEY become pregnant and increase THEIR womb size.

Uff, I apologise for this second wall of text but if it can help I'll be happy.

I want to thank you for taking the time to answer me with a detailed explanation of the situation and don't worry I'm definetely interested in your future games especially after your comment.

I hope I didn't miss the point of the game with my ideas, maybe I will understand the situation better after trying the new version.

These seem like good, if confusing ideas. The Boss of the dungeon will always be the same individual, so that does make things more complex, but as you were suggesting that *their* wombs may have some effect, it game me something of an idea where the wombs of the boss and their minions are linked, and, at the start of the game, a player lacking a womb is instead given n artifact that looks like a fleshlight but cannot be penetrated that is *also* linked to the wombs of the bosses and minions, allowing for you to use the collective wombs of the succubus and her minions and her minions' minions in basically the same way that the female PC uses her own womb. While this will still not be in the next release due to crunch purposes, I will be adding this in the next three or four releases, so, no more than three months. Thanks for the idea, I'll put you on the list of people who helped me out!


I’m glad it helped you, even if just a little. Good luck with your games.