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My bad, didn't make myself clear enough. My opinion is exactly like yours. I wish we can save Caleb/improve buildings for bareshade without have to progress deep into Bernard's romantic storyline.

If improving bareshade is tied to Bernard's story then at least let us save Caleb without romancing Bernard. Otherwise it's impossible to have a relationship with Caleb without breaking Bernard's heart. That's kind of sad.


I know what you mean, but I have 3 hearts with Bernard, 1 heart with Arion, 1 Xer, 1 Rhot and 1 with Korg and I did't break no one's heart (literally and metaphorically). You can have hearts with anybody you want.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe not

I think right now you can only progress to 3 hearts with Bernard? To me 1 heart feels like just getting out of friend zone. I'm not sure what would happen if you get 3 hearts with two or more NPCs in the future. And I think the chance of they're all into polyamory is low......

Deleted 3 years ago