Pretty fun, but takes a lot of time to wrap the head around.
I played with a controller.
- I would often accidentally move the knight against a wall or a void tile and use a hammer which was not desired, especially annoying while in "block placement"-mode
- switching between the two modes is very awkward: I want to move the knight and think where to go, but the blocks would start falling again automatically
- when pressing the trigger to quickly drop a block, it would rapid-fire and place several blocks
- the first level is overwhelming in many ways as too many things need to be learned at once
- the red block helper doesn't show items & enemies which is a little annoying when rotating, because I have to think about how to rotate the base shape, look out where the walls are and then know where the items/enemies will be placed
- would have been nice to have the controls on screen while playing, instead of needing to go into the menu
- only after I was done playing did I discover the "separate" control scheme, which plays a lot nicer, especially in order to learn the game. Would have loved to have this as the default.