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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey there! This is my rating for your game. keep in mind this is my personal opnion, and is by no means teh absolute truth. Lets strat on ambition: Nothin special here, just a simple 2d space shooter thingy, wich is TOTALLLY fine, but its a concept done and redone, without much more added. 2/5

Now onto Enjoyment:This is were im dont ahve much to say. In my opnion, this game in its currebt state is NOT fun. No time to react + erractic enemy movement and only 1 life, its simply not fun. With more polish, this could be a really fun game, but as of right now, i can give it more than 1/5.

Wich brings me to polish. This is tricky, since this is only a 3 hour jam, we cant judge a lot on polishing, but it defitively isint as polished as xacould be. It feels like you wasted too much time ADDING atufff and forgot the TESTING stuff phase. To be fair, it WORKS, just not in a great way. Also the UI is normal wich is bonus points form me. 3/5


Good review. I was going with it works and nothing too wild. Do make sure to check out my other games though that I had more time to really polish. I don't see updating this game like you said it's been done before. Maybe next one I'll do something easy, but unique