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(3 edits)

Hi Lloyd,

First one is きのこチョーダイ Give me Mushrooms
Second one is 椎茸バンク (MUSHBANK) Shiitake Bank

I'll see if I can track down the descriptons...

Give me Mushrooms

黒田潔 / イラストレーター Kuroda Kiyoshi / Illustrator
(I think this is their Twitter but their entry is from 2005 so they might not remember or care about it)

I'm hungry so I want to eat some mushrooms. However there are bad and good mushrooms. If you eat a bad mushroom your stamina will reduce. If you eat a good mushroom your stamina is restored. If the fungus gets stuck to you, you might get transformed into a mushroom. This is a game where you must overcome such dangers and skilfully fill your stomach. The story is just about eating mushrooms, so it's very simple.


Dufond Adrien / Flash
This is their Twitter (But again their entry is from 2007...)

Since 2004, give the possibility to anyone of created his personal mushroom with his special power in order to be shared on the MushBank. This cartrigue content all the MushBank security process*
(Description was already in English)

Hope this fills you with inspiration for fungal fun times.


Thankyou so so much! Very professional and prompt! This gives me a lot to work with! I really appreciate you going through the effort to find the descriptions and translate them! You are truly amazing +1 rep from me 

(1 edit)

You're welcome. <3