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I will translate the Japanese titles and descriptions, if you want.

A topic by Gold_Ninja created Sep 02, 2020 Views: 834 Replies: 14
Viewing posts 1 to 5


I'm a professional Japanese/English translator. I will translate any title and description into English, if you want. I know you don't have to stick to the description and are free to make whatever you want, but I thought some of you might be interested.

Post a link to the cart and I'll reply with a quick translation that's (probably) better than Google.

couldnt find the sources for these, they came from a random famicase generator. 

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Hi Lloyd,

First one is きのこチョーダイ Give me Mushrooms
Second one is 椎茸バンク (MUSHBANK) Shiitake Bank

I'll see if I can track down the descriptons...

Give me Mushrooms

黒田潔 / イラストレーター Kuroda Kiyoshi / Illustrator
(I think this is their Twitter but their entry is from 2005 so they might not remember or care about it)

I'm hungry so I want to eat some mushrooms. However there are bad and good mushrooms. If you eat a bad mushroom your stamina will reduce. If you eat a good mushroom your stamina is restored. If the fungus gets stuck to you, you might get transformed into a mushroom. This is a game where you must overcome such dangers and skilfully fill your stomach. The story is just about eating mushrooms, so it's very simple.


Dufond Adrien / Flash
This is their Twitter (But again their entry is from 2007...)

Since 2004, give the possibility to anyone of created his personal mushroom with his special power in order to be shared on the MushBank. This cartrigue content all the MushBank security process*
(Description was already in English)

Hope this fills you with inspiration for fungal fun times.


Thankyou so so much! Very professional and prompt! This gives me a lot to work with! I really appreciate you going through the effort to find the descriptions and translate them! You are truly amazing +1 rep from me 

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You're welcome. <3

Wow I was just thinking about how I was going to get this translated and then I saw this thread. Thanks so much :)

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Hi Melkan22,

This is 焼肉食べ放題 All you can eat grilled meat (Yaki niku tabehoudai)

I'll see if I can track down the description...
ババカオリ / グラフィックデザイナー Babakaori / Graphic Designer (no active Twitter account that I can find)

肉を食べて食べて食べまくれ!ステージをクリアするたびに、メニューもグレードアップ。高級焼き肉や珍しいお肉が食べられるぞ。ボーナスステージでは焼き肉フレンドによる焼き肉カルトクイズに挑戦! ゲームをすべてクリアすれば焼き肉チェーン「牛くん」全店舗で使える800円割引クーポンが配布されます。※2000円以上で有効
Eat meat, scoff meat, shovel it in! The menu expands with every stage you clear. You can eat super-premium and rare cuts of grilled meat. In the bonus stage, challenge your grilled meat buddies to a hard-core grilled meat quiz! Clear the whole game to get an 800 yen coupon for use at any Gyu-kun — the popular grilled meat chain restaurant! (Note: only valid on orders of 2000 yen or more.)

Gyu-kun is something like Cow Jr or Beef Jr, and is probably a pun on Gyu-kaku, a popular chain of grilled meat restaurants here in Japan. (It could also be read as Ushi-kun.)

Hope this gives you some inspiration and doesn't just leave you hungry!


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Hi Ninja. Google translater gives back some strange things, would be great if you could translate... Thank you



鋼鉄(メタル)の血潮が脈を打つ。。。。今日の日銭と引き換えに昨日の友を狙い撃つ! 自分の名前(コード)は忘れたが勝利(オイル)の味は覚えてる。草木も枯れる赤土に死合の合図が鳴り響く!! 潤滑油(ち)で冷却水(ち)を洗うを32人対戦開戦! MARS COWBOY!!!!!

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yamamu | ゲームアーテイスト (Game artist)
Steel (metal) blood courses through your veins... Hunt down your former friends to make a buck just to survive. You forgot your name (code) but you remember the taste of victory (oil). Signs of death echo across the dusty, lifeless red earth!! It's lubricant (blood) for coolant (blood) as this 32 player battle erupts! MARS COWBOY!!!!!

Hope this gives you some good ideas!

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thank you for the work, havent seen that you updated the post... 

You're welcome. The description likens a bunch of robot things (oil, lubricant) to the human body, blood, etc., so I'm not surprised that machine translation had trouble with it.


I put some phrases from this one in Google Translate but couldn't make sense of it. I would like to have its translation, if you have chance of course. Thank you.



不況・炎上・パワハラ・モラハラ・パンデミック! イヤなコトぜーんぶ吹き飛ばせ! みんな楽しく・ハッピーに! ユカイでラブなハリケーンを、コミPo! JSキャラ『とれこちゃん』が巻き起こす!! 浮遊系全方位・ジャンプアクションシューティング! オモシロ警報、ココに発令中!!

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shun9624 | 保育士(福祉施設職員) Childcare worker (welfare institute employee)
(This looks like their Twitter:

Economic depression, online and offline harassment, workplace harassment, and a pandemic! Blast it all away! Make everything fun and everyone happy! Toreko-chan, Comi-Po's JS character, is going to kick up a hurricane of love and delight! A floating, omnidirectional jump-action shooting game! Be warned: This Is Fun!

(Toreko-chan seems to be a character of the software Comi-po (comic pose)

Hope this helps with inspiration!

Thank you again.  I had no chance of answering before because of work.

Good job, the text makes a lot of sense now and yes the twitter acount and sofware site have related pictures.

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You're welcome!
(Please note, I made a small change. 不況 is economic depression/recession, not mental. Sorry about that.)