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I liked the low-poly art style of this one. A fun concept, but it is really hard to play. Sometimes the little wizard guy gets stuck on the objects and can't jump. Also, I don't know if this was just me, but, on my screen, the cursor pointer was off-center, which made the controls feel off. The jump physics felt strange, as well, like there was no momentum behind the jump. If you wanted to refine this further, I would really focus on making that jump feel "right" for lack of a better word. I liked all the different objects that were spawned, haha. Sometimes you could spawn an object right under you and launch the wizard guy almost to the other side of the map or get the boat to scoot across the lake.

Hey, thank you playing and for the feedback! I knew about the jumping problem but sadly didn't have enough time to fix it. Btw did you hold the spacebar for a higher/floatier jump? I wanted to make the jump feel snappy on the downfall so when you let go of the spacebar you fall down a bit faster.

Hmm, yeah, I see what you mean about the trade-offs involved in maintaining control over how floaty/snappy the falling speed is using just binary input (either the button is pressed or not). These things are so hard to balance, even in AAA titles -- I think what you managed to do is admirable for a game jam game!