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(5 edits) (+2)

PHI already covered a whole lot. I might be repeating some stuff as I list a bunch of issues I ran into:

The wall slide cancels any straight up jump near a wall (my intention is to go up, but instead it feels like jumping into an invisible ceiling):

I imagine this wall at the start is meant to force learning the attack, but it's not actually high enough (granted a wall jump is much harder than finding the attack input with instructions on screen - if taking down the wall took longer than climbing over it that could be a fun speed strategy though):

You can land with an attack and still be forced through the landing animation afterwards:

The jump characters will frustrate a lot of players as they are now, because you need to press the jump button near it rather than holding it as instructed (and expected):

Up diagonals send you down instead of up or forward, quite deadly once these get chained with spikes all around (don't mind me passing straight through here, that's just my rebinding not working with the hold function of them at that point - the issue exists regardless):


Alright I think that's as far as I'm going to get with this version (I stopped a bit after entering the funky house with the first non-key door).


Wow, great job! I will listen to all your advice and will definitely make the game better.
True, GIFs are cool.