Creative game, and it seemed very ambitious with the multiple battle types, inventory system, and gold. The game was a bit rough around the edges but I could definitely see what you were going for. I'll go over the things that stood out to me so you can improve them in your next game, don't see it as me tearing into your game because I thought it was a pretty solid entry overall.
- the character felt sluggish to control and I feel like that might have to do with the large amount of intertia when changing direction
- the sprites were all blurry, which is probably due to your import setting. I'm not sure how it works in construct but in Godot you fix this by turning off the filter when importing
- I wish I could type in the numbers in the brain game, and also wish there was a delete button, cause the buttons would sometimes miss my inputs
- there were too many controls that were just info-dumped at the start, if you have a complex control system like that it should be progressively introduced to the player
Overall cool game though! I liked what you did with the changing music in battle