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Bastard "Keromas" Gabin

A member registered Apr 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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GG pour la release !

Thank u !

Merci beaucoup ;)

Merci !

C'est super dur mais c'est cool. Beau projet !

The whole team thanks you for the support, I am glad if you liked our game. The development of the project was not always easy during these 3 intense weeks but we are quite happy with the result. We will be watching your future indie game selections with attention. Thank you very much.

Merci !

Une masterclass ! Pas besoin d'en dire plus.

Such a good game, I broke my wrist!

Thank you for your feedback ! To get some of the cogs you need to unlock a new ability by exploring the level.

Thank you very much for this very complete feedback, I will try to answer all your remarks because you took the time to write them.  

At first, I voluntarily increased the difficulty because after playtests, the level was too simple and the enemies were not really a danger. But maybe this buff takes Metroid Engineer away from the Metroid vania genre.

For the controller, I would also like my games to be playable with it, but I don't have a controller at home so I can't test the controls and the feeling, so I don't prefer to implement the controllers.

Then, for the spacecraft bug, I've had it for a number of versions but I don't know where it comes from. It's random but as long as it doesn't block the player, it's not a big deal.

Finally, the ladders are half bugged, I noticed the strange behaviour when the player jumps but I decided to keep it because it makes it easier to move around the LD in some places. I'm not a big fan of adding a special button to climb ladders as the controls inevitably become more complicated to learn. But I'll take what you said there and test it in my next platformers.

Thanks again for your comment.

Nice job, the tuto is efficient, the sprites are nice. Some sounds are a bit too loud. The second jump is really cool because it lasts much longer than the first one, but the mapping of the controls is not intuitive at all.

Congratulations on the publication! I really like the very neat AD and the discreet music. The variety of enemies is interesting. I didn't quite understand how to get ammo from pistols though. Sometimes the camera borders are placed in such a way that you don't know where you're going and it's quite annoying. Hard to fight the boss with the sword only hehe. A HP bar would have been nice.

Congratulations on the publication! What a complete game! The SFX are just right, the AD is very effective, the dialogues break the 4th wall. Not to mention the moving brick mechanics which are very interesting and full of possibilities and the well constructed level design. Bravo for this very qualitative production!

Congratulations on the publication! The game is very complete. It has the main mechanics of metroid vania, the map is functional but it lacks indications for the connections between rooms. The combat bullet system with the mines is really different from the basic shot of the character and the level design forces us to use this mechanic, it's a good idea. The music and SFX are cool, as is the pixel art. Well done to the team.

Thanks you so much for your feedback ! 

Congratulations on the publication! I finished the game with 39 gems. The atmosphere is nice, it lacks a bit of feedback but the feel of the moves is nice. A calm and relaxing game, really not stressful.

Congratulations on the publication! The atmosphere is very clean and the sprites are cool. The main attack, the dash and the wall jump have a good feeling. It's a bit hard to progress through the level but the concept is cool, the animations are good and there's a good diversity of enemies.

Congratulations on the publication! The mechanics of the tools are interesting even if I didn't quite understand the specifics of each. The moves are a bit laborious (especially the climbing and jumping which is very short). There's a bit of a lack of info on how far you can fall before you die. The AD is nice and the sounds effective.

Sorry but I couldn't finish your game, I didn't know what to do or where to go. I quickly lost hope of continuing. I like the sprites but the sounds are a bit aggressive. Well done for the publication.

Thanks for your feedback, I tried to tweak the game as much as possible, thank you for taking it into consideration.

Thanks for your feedback, I tried to make the shot mechanics as pleasant as possible but I am aware that it is not what we are used to.

Congratulations on the publication! So much polish, between the character custom, the stats in the pause menu, and the little effects and dialogue. It's a very good game, with a nice handling even if I would have liked another jumping touch than H. Well done again!

Congratulations on the publication! The dark effect is well done but maybe a bit too opaque. The controls are really badly placed, it's not very instinctive. The AD is cool and the lantern mechanic is quite interesting, it's a good addition.

Congratulations on the publication! The AD is cool and the character controls are nice and fun. Even if I didn't understand everything well, I enjoyed this short experience.

Congratulations to all the team! What a quality, everything is there, the very clean DA, a good feeling on the sounds, efficient feedbacks, an increasing difficulty, loot mechanics that complete the gameplay and that invite to explore. Congratulations again!

A nice AD  and clean lighting effects, the feeling is good, you get lost easily and the enemies are a real danger. Bravo for the publication!

A short experience but already a good basis. It lacks a bit of gameplay depth but it's pretty much like a metroid vania. 

A rather qualitative production with an assumed and efficient AD, the gameplay is cool and the shooting mechanics quite interesting. Congratulations for finishing the game!

Well done for the publication! You can find some of the mechanics characteristic of metroid vania even if the game lacks a bit of polish, there is a good base. 

Don't hesitate to leave a little feedback or your experience in comments, it's always a pleasure to read.

Hi everyone, for this jam I decided to make a devlog to follow the progress of the project. 

You can find it on the page right now:

Enjoy your reading !

Je n'ai pas beaucoup de recul pour savoir si Overizer est un bon jeu retro ou non. L'aspect low poly et la physique déjantée fonctionne bien ensemble, de plus l'éclairage néon est très caractéristique de l'époque.

J'ai eu un peu de mal avec l'utilisation de l'attaque standard et la caméra lente qui n'aidait pas en plus.

Je pense aussi qu'il manque d'objectif précis pour aider le joueur à mieux s'orienter dans le niveau.

Bonne continuation à toute l'équipe.

Vous m'avez touché en plein cœur, je suis fan de ce genre de jeux de stratégie. On y retrouve toutes les caractéristiques du genre avec en plus cette barre de "mana" qui dynamise le gameplay des longs niveaux et qui ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités à tout instant.

L'interface est lisible, les feedbacks sont bons (j'adore les cinématiques d'attaques et les quelques effets de particules) et le SD est sympathique.

Du point de vue narration, c'est un peu classique dans la forme mais quelque peu surprenant dans le fond. Même si après avoir lu le pitch je m'attendais plus à combattre des gangsters et des cowboys plutôt que des monstres mutants.

L'ambiance lugubre et les modèles 3D sont très réussis, même si j'avais l'impression que les personnages flottaient un peu dans les airs.

Bonne continuation à toute l'équipe.

(1 edit)

Très bon projet, des graphismes très correct avec un habillage et une ambiance intéressante. Je ne me suis pas trop attardé sur la narration pour me concentrer un peu plus sur le gameplay. Même si dans le cas présent je ne comprend pas forcément le choix d'un personnage principal féminin, ça aurait pu être un homme que l'histoire n'aurait pas été bouleversée (la légende parle d'un guerrier d'ailleurs (à cause du contexte temporel peut être? )).

Sinon, les énigmes sont bien pensées, elles montrent un assez grand potentiel de la mécanique principale, j'aime bien d'ailleurs la connexion entre êtres vivants qui peut donner des situations assez fun et complexes. Le SD est juste et pas trop omniprésent ce qui est assez agréable.

Seul regret au niveau de la caméra qui est très lente avec le joystick, ça devient très vite laborieux de regarder autour de soit pour trouver une solution à une énigme qui nous aurait échapper.

Il y a de bons feedbacks, les actions a effectuées sont claires et la prise en main du fonctionnement du Lien est assez aisée. Merci pour les gifs de tuto qui aident pas mal, je pense même qu'ils auraient suffis à faire comprendre le fonctionnement sans le pavé de texte à côté.

Bonne continuation à toute l'équipe.

C'est encourageant pour continuer de savoir que mon travail peut plaire. C'est un point que je compte améliorer dans mes prochains jeux: expliquez rapidement le but du jeu et les enjeux principaux. Merci pour ton comm'.

N'hésitez pas à mettre un petit commentaire sur votre expérience en jeu, ça aide beaucoup ;)

Thank you very much for giving us your opinion, some information was not clear and we apologise for that, some choices may not have been the most effective

Thank you very much for giving us your opinion, yes indeed we wanted to create a clean design with not too much information

Thank you so much for giving us your opinion