Sure - Sadly, I can't track it. I tried by googling blackbox shipping, and found what I think is their tracking. I entered the number, and my email adress, and it found nothing.
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Dear lord - this is delivered by Fedex - They are completely unreachable by phone. They left a message on my door at home that they had been there. This was FINAL NOTICE and I had to contact them to make a new schedule. So, I tried rescheduling, but they will ONLY deliver on weekdays and I am at work then?
So I tried to redirect the adress, but then it said the delivery would be delivered at 6 Pm instead? Meaning, I was at home at that time.
I've been on hold with Fedex for 23 minutes and for 41 minutes on two calls now, and they don't pick up.
I don't think a Thousand Years will be enough to get the book to me... :-/
edit: Oh, their chat function also disconnects me without fail...
Hey - today I managed to get a hold of a real person. So, hopefully they will deliver the package at my workplace to morrow! I'll let you know.
The book is getting more and more worth, in terms of storytelling, with this kind of beginning :-D
Oh, and sorry if I sounded upset - its not your fault and I'm sure we'll figure it out!