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(1 edit) (+1)

Completed it!
It's definitely a good rage game, had me wanting to quit a lot! The floaty controls are key part of the game, as frustrating as it is, but when I had trouble even getting to the main sections of the map because of the floaty controls I think it got too frustrating, easing that a bit I think could keep player engagement. In areas like this for example, having solid ground where you don't slide in, since they are not really the main platforming section, what the player wants to do after falling is to try again, and if you can ease their re-entry to the stage you can reduce that extra frustration.


Thank you for the review!

I did design the way back to the attempt for stage 1 to be difficult, the extra frustration of getting back is something I did want. Though for stage 3 I definitely think that suggestion is very valid and if I continue working on this some I will take it into consideration. I hope you still had fun through all the frustration though!


Yeah, it was nice beating it :)