Hello! I like a lot of what I read here, and I have some questions regarding what you intended with some of the mechanics. If this is not the proper place to ask, I apologize: I can take these anywhere else, or just drop them.
- I think I understand how one would spend Burden, Health, Contacts and Luck, but what about Lore and Wits? What kind of interaction should happen at the table when you spend one of these, and what would be the difference between them?
- It might be somehow tied to the previous question, but: how did you envision the sharing of the spotlight around the players throughout the session? Would it be something like "a turn" for each player to act as their character, and everybody else sharing the role of the opposition?
Thank you for your time. This game has some really neat design ideas from what I've seen, and I kinda want to take it out for a spin, but I'm not sure about how to handle those two aspects of it.
Again, thank you, and have a nice day!