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(1 edit)

You wrote a game on Windows, in assembly, in 9 days. Mind blowing!

I enjoyed the theme, presentation is pretty good for a jam, nice attention to detail through the menus. In game the sprite blending's a little messy. Gameplay would have benefited from an extra lane, a more pulled out field of view (so you could see further in front / behind), and having slower cars in front of you as obstacles sometimes.

But overall very well done (IN ASM)!

ETA: The font is fantastic, best font I've seen in the jam!


Thanks!  Ya, I had a lot more plans for it like audio, having pedestrians running on the side walk, crossing the street.  Having the car able to fly after collecting certain points, etc. however, as the time went on I started cutting things to ensure I can finish it on time and to reduce the likely hood of having bugs.  There was supposed to be more items as well.  So I kept it down to what I could reasonably accomplish without having any bugs.  

Haha, the font is 8x8 BIOS ROM font, but I scale it.  This is the font you would see on a console text mode screen in like an 80x25 configuration.