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Is it possible to add this feature ?

That's a good question!

Named instances are treated as macros (handled compile-time), meaning that "live" code doesn't know what the values are.

Assuming that GM assigns these in a predictable way (starting from the first room and going layer by layer from top/bottom?), I can probably replicate the algorithm, though there would definitely be caveats if you modify your rooms between starting the game and connecting gmlive-server to it.

I was thinking about some GMLive helper like:

live_link_instance(“my_instance_identifier”, my_instance_identifier); - then after compilation you should have dictionary of names and instances in-game ? User would need to manually enter every instance he wants to read this way.

(1 edit)

For purposes of that workaround, you could use

gml_const_add("inst_name", inst_name);

Perhaps I should expose/document the few of these as part of live_ functions

Yeah, this solves my problem!

Definitely worth mentioning in help docs then.

I have added more normally-named functions (live_constant_add, live_function_add, live_variable_add) and documentation for them in 1.0.33+