If you do
for (var i = 0; object_exists(i); i++) {
(or sprite_exists / sprite_get_name for sprites)
Does this show all of your objects/sprites, or does it stop before the one you’re trying to use?
Depends on what’s in the script!
If it’s just struct assignments that are done once on game start, you’d want to wrap them in a
function some_init() {
global.a = { ... };
because global script init is a little quirky to resolve from GML.
Then you can use live_code_updated to re-run the (updated) script when a new version is loaded.
The first two probably mean that you have a resource called “delta”. You can rename the resource or find-replace delta
to something else in the GMLive script.
For the other two, you can replace return func;
by return undefined;
but let me know what functions these are and what extensions are you using
It’s this issue, I posted a 4-line fix https://itch.io/post/10223311
Upon further review, it’s this bit which I thought that I had rolled out in an update but apparently not https://itch.io/post/10223311
As per documentation, text is auto-extracted if it is a constant string or an expression that evaluates to a constant string.
So if you want to store text in a variable before passing it elsewhere, you’d indeed want to do
var LOC = cmn_loc_get_func("...");
label = LOC("Isn't it time you come clean?");
Added those, and you may decide for yourself what status should be shown if only some of the dragged items are acceptable.
Not easily¹, but I’m open to the idea of adding a command if someone actually goes through and draws the whole set, because it’s been 10 years of people asking about this and then nothing happening afterwards.
¹ You could probably use undertalemodtool or yytextureview to replace an existing skin but it’s a little more work.
I did try making an Android test build one of the last times I’ve gone on a vacation (either in 2017 or 2018), but:
There’s Nuclear Throne Mobile that has touch controls and seems to be unconcerned about legality.
Depends on what that’s supposed to mean - you could change gameframe_blend, or supply your own sprites for border/caption/etc.
Should be fine - you can try doing
haxe binpack.hxml
with this little project https://github.com/GameMakerDiscord/tex-pack