super fun enjoyable idea on a platformer. I think there's some things that could really be improved on however.
You have a really nice soundtrack going, and if its long enough honestly i would keep it so its looping without pause at death. this will give the player to enjoy the entire melody while trying to figure out the simple controls of the platformer. to you the game might seem easy but for others they might struggle. so this might be a nice little extra for your game to make it more enjoyable. restarting a melody over and over might want me to mute the game then continue to listen to the audio.
your jingles and audio cues are spot on for collecting coins and going over the musical notes. I think the sounds though are a little overwhelming compared to the music. You have this really nice chill relaxing melody in the background that gets overwhelmed by jingles that are a bit to loud. i think you could reduce those sounds by about 50% keeping them nice soft jingles.
then maybe something to consider with the musical note areas, I'm not sure how advanced your audio skills are, but if you could in a way split your music tracks in a way so when you go over the little notes, it would match up or blend in with your background music more. You could even pause the main audio and focus on little music jingles within that note sector.
Really awesome and fun! great job