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Hey Jordan! This is an amazing clone. While the core gameplay stays the same, there are some major upgrades in many departments. I love the change to holding for acceleration/braking. It adds a bit more depth as you need to start braking much earlier to avoid obstacles than in the original, where your speed would fall instantly. I think the shadows are a brilliant touch. The difficulty scaling in terms of the amount of trees over time is well improved over the original. Really good stuff.

The only gripe I have with this clone is the shooting. It feels a bit inconsistent. While the choice to not have shots fully auto-target enemies is not a bad decision, I really struggled to understand where my shots would go. Sometimes while turning, shots only went at a slight angle, while other times they would go so far to the side that there was no way that it would ever hit an enemy on screen. It ultimately led to some frustrating moments where the enemy was in front of me, and I thought I had a shot, but it would miss, and I would have to spend a fair amount of time to get into a position where I could make another shot (bc the later levels are v precarious)

Still an amazing clone, you did such a good job!

Hi Miles! Thank you for your comment and your kind words about the acceleration and obstacle instantiation, I am really proud of them. I tried to go with what felt ‘right’ in terms of scaling the number of trees, so it’s great to hear that you enjoyed where it ended up on that front.

I totally understand what you’re saying with the shooting mechanics. I appreciate hearing about your experience with it and I’m sorry for the frustration. The shooting was the part of this clone I struggled with the most and I think your experience perfectly shows the definite room for improvement there. If I go back to this project, this is probably where I’ll start.

Thanks for playing!