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Good stuff. Yeah the jump is a major challenge. Also add the inability for me to get a consistent frame rate on every device. I wish I could get half the feel of a game like Celeste. Spent a lot of time once breaking down the Source code they released showing exactly how it was done. I hadn't seen the linked example you posted. Great stuff. Actually used Cinemachine but still learning how to tweak things.

The health idea is a concept I am big on but still can't get it designed where it is actually fun.. Right now the most obvious change is that the lower your health the higher you jump (This is another issue as it is hard enough to design Jumping for one or two heights let alone the wide range in this game). So you need to take damage at some point to allow you to get to impossible places. However this puts you at greater risk of dying. The low health also gives you greater Ammo power.. I was hoping to make this more organic and more about abilities. You unlock metroidvania type skills  by gaining experience. Experience would only be gained by taking damage and persisting through it succesfully. So the better you play under the pressure of near death  the more experience you gain.

Thanks a bunch

I would suggest you to experiment with different ways to make the player jump. There are multiple options, such as:

  • setting the position
  • write your own velocity logic and set the velocity
  • set the velocity in rigidbody
  • write your own acceleration + velocity system and set the acceleration
  • add force using rigidbody

And sometimes your answer is a combination of the above, but experience and knowledge helps you understand exactly what you want. Movement is a pretty complicated topic, but it's something that's been tackled before. I'm sure there are probably talks (maybe GDC talks) that can help make things more clear. 

As for the combat system, I would suggest creating the basic representation of your idea first, before trying to tie it into other systems (movement/experience). For instance, you could make it obvious that the player is dealing more damage while near death (shooting a bigger bullet or increasing the rate of fire). At the same time, you slowly build better instincts for how to organize/design your code. Then when you have a prototype up, you'll learn more about what worked and what didn't.  Maybe you might find that you'll need more ways to motivate players to be near death? Maybe the player starts at low health, but gaining health encumbers them greatly? But regardless, if this is your key focus then try to prioritize that first.

Lastly with the camera, I think it was just the screenshake that was getting to me. I think screenshake is okay in moderation, but when it happens every single time you shoot it might be a little too much (walking and shooting made me a little motion sick)

Well I took a premature dice into Unity Dots Physics so things are an extra hassle (also why no WebGL build unfortunately)

I am just using direct  velocity. I made some adjustments using  some of your feedback and sources. It's completely different. I made the Jump variable and with less force. Funny because most unity games Jumping seem to have floaty issues as a common complaint. I wen to far the other way it seems.  Really appreciate this insane feedback.. Maybe you can give the now updated version a shot. Still has a new set of issues. It's weird it has an unintentional double jump it seems. Anyway thanks regardless. Also I really like all your ideas when it comes to incorporating this mechanic properly. Definitely going to approach it accordingly.


Ah, I wouldn't recommend doing dots for a game jam, unless you reeeeallllyyy want to. Especially since I wouldn't recommend dots for a platformer either. It makes more sense for a game that contains a multitude of characters that are all being updated in similar ways (maybe a group of flocking fish or what not). Dots isn't really designed for controlling specifically one character, so you wouldn't even see any kind of performance boost when there are barely any characters on screen.

Your tight about DOTS but it's all I have been working with the last year. I've gotten used to it. I don't event use it for speed I just like the pattern (some background  in DDO).

Anyway I updated the Jump yet again and I seriously think it's 1000x better :) but I'll settle for better.

If  by chance you get a chance I would love for you to take another look. You're feedback has been incredibly helpful.