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Shot out games

A member registered Aug 25, 2014 · View creator page →

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Great hook. Most fun game so far for me.

Very cool and great art with a fun idea. I had a hard time controlling the dino inside the shell though but was still a very fun game

Took me a minute but plays well after. Looks great and original idea. Is that a shader you used for the pixelation.  Nice art direction

Very fun game. Super polished and stylish.  Kept looking for a score for some reason.

Really fun original game. I didn't realize you could mov too at first. Duh me. Maybe a health bar or someway to determine health. (The car on more and more fire)  No easy way around probably but I kept wanting to use WASD to move and the arrows to scale. Going to play some more :)

Known Issues

I wasn't able to implement any of the ideas I had. The game loop was supposed to have the enemies trying to escape through narrow passages. The player was to prevent them from escaping by shooting them to increase the size preventing this.

Now the loop is basically keep shooting for higher scores and try to make it to the end of the path.

There is an exit at the end that you can go through for no designed reason.

If the player gets knocked around enough the player can be too "low" to connect with enemies. The best option unfortunately is to start over. (Backspace / Menu-Reset)

Unfortunately trying to get a proper Unity build took up half of the 20 hours development time

The Editor build was more stable and fluid and included several particle and VFX systems that don't appear in the released build

Some lighting and materials also didn't transfer over. The Player "Ship" is missing detail and lighting and looks very bland and doesn't blend well

This game was created with Dots which makes it impossible to do a Web Version and is the probable cause of the build issues


SHOOT: Left Mouse Click


Yeah for some reason I couldn't figure out the Unity Build was SLOWER than the editor and all the VFX didn't render. Much Juicier in the editor. Ugh

Good stuff Thanks

Simple yet varied chilling and effective. Worth more than one listen.

Very fun listen with some real catchy grooves. Battle theme had me hooked

This is an excellent track. I looped it while I was at work. Haha.  I'd like to hear more songs in the future 😄 

Nailed the horror vibe but at the same time kind of mysterious and exploring in my head anyway as I listened. Very polished. 

That was so chill and ambient yet uplifting and creative all in one. I'd like more tracks. Thank you kindly :)

This is what game ost should be. Creative. Makes me feel like I'm actually playing a game in my head. Then read the intentions and was like wow nailed it.  Weird in the best way. 😆 

Pretty awesome. Flowed beautifully. Pumped up to "play" this game

What a chill cool blend of genre.

Art. A little polish maybe but beautiful nevertheless 

Thanks I'm depressed now. It is a compliment. Felt it

Love the flavor. Surprised me. Net stroll fave also. Very consistent and good hooks through out. Enjoyed 

Great listen. Hits the video game vibe. Playing it twice 😁 

Thanks for the feedback. Tried to make it a little random and turned out noisy in the process. Definitely not what I had in mind but never a chance to fix it. 

Thanks for checking it out. Tried to make it a little random and turned out messy in the process. Definitely not what I had in mind but never a chance to fix it. 

Itch will judge

Good stuff. There was a bug in one build where the stop distance was set to zero instead of varying distances. It was super frustrating having them glued to the player. Instead they stay back some giving opportunities but other than that the rest of the suggestions would be great additions. Not sure it's worth the time anymore though but still useful eventually.

Did you play today's version? I'll assume you didn't play level 2. Still plain but adds a  new mechanic at least. Thanks 

Thanks very much for the feedback. Any specific ideas for enemies that you might have? Anything else you can add? I really need this type of input.

Nice twist idea. Really could work but needs some kind of balance to make you actually think it through. I expected the farmer to make moves too that you had to sort of counter. Also really wished it didn't go to a whole new screen every time you make a move. The graphics aren't exactly pretty but the art style really works anyway. I would like to see a more refined version down the road

(1 edit)

This games not fair. haha. Way beyond just a "jam game". I will be following this. Wishlist on steam. I am enjoying the demo. The 6DOF sets it apart from most games. It can be quirky and needs some balancing but it is worth riding that at much as possible. Looks great too. Any dev logs on this? Curious about it's development so far. (Never mind just found the TWITCH streams)

Yes the camera. Just invert it and see how that goes first. (Or did you add already? )

Best : Is the level design is smart and fun. The Jump mechanic twist is cool. It's simple but the overall world is so fun.

The endless mode is a great add.

Fun. Looks and sounds great. The mechanic was fun. It is a nice base especially for mobile. Just new mechanics with similar theme and some more awesome looking bosses :)

Fun. Looks and sounds great. The mechanic was fun. It is a nice base especially for mobile. Just new mechanics with similar theme and some more awesome looking bosses :)

Really fun and made me laugh. Unique. not much new to add. I'm keeping this in the library. Trying to finish, Needs some balancing but definitely should become a full game.

This game had me laughing out hard. This was a great idea and very well executed. Excellent level design. Pretty polished. Really like the characters and the aesthetics. Just a darn good game with room to eat. I mean grow

pretty cool. sharp controls. Fun to play. Like the simple art style. The sound was decent. Music cool. Could use some power up or similar. The teleporting threw me off at first but ended up being pretty interesting. Fun game overall

I am bad at this but clearly on me.

This is a keeper. Pretty addictive hook. The controls work well. The guards make sense. Plays more like a puzzler than stealth but I like it. Well designed. You should polish this up somehow so you can get a full vertical slice that catches eyes. I really like it.

portal with a monkey. me like. I found it easy to grasp. Still playing. needs some fixes tweaks. I managed to beat one level by pushing my shaky monkey up the ladder with a mouse. huh? puzzle design is pretty good. How many levels? still playing. Nice graphics and sound. The UI is so clever.  Really cool how it fits with the game page.

portal with a monkey. me like. I found it easy to grasp. Still playing. needs some fixes tweaks. I managed to beat one level by pushing my shaky monkey up the ladder with a mouse. huh? puzzle design is pretty good. How many levels? still playing. Nice graphics and sound. The UI is so clever.  Really cool how it fits with the game page.

Haha. Did you like anything? Nah great questions and feedback. This game is definitely a work in progress. Just not sure if it's worth the work. It is currently just the two levels. So yeah to the controls are more like placeholders but they still have uses. Level two the enemies are definitely too fast. They also have a chase range that is too high. Level two however if you get enough distance from all the ENEMIES (yes difficult) you then become the shooter and the enemies shoot on there own. Hence the strafe. Yes the punching is meant to get you out of a crowd but doesn't work the way I expected. The combat is meant to be improved and used in different levels with different mechanics.

The camera is really just in case players prefer to zoom out more or more of a third person view as examples. Especially in future levels where it might be more useful. Ideally players are fine with the default and don't bother.

With some timing you can avoid ammo by jumping. Pressing jump immediately after firing works fairly well. 

The music and audio is more filler and doesn't really fit the mood all that well. Currently just started working with DAW to learn to create my own tunes and then slapping them on to games as background.

The performance is shaky because I am using Unity DOTS that technically doesn't support webgl. So had to do some creative but inefficient work arounds just to get the game to work at all. 

Thanks again for playing and for the impressive feedback.

Thanks for the feedback.  The idea is you really can't avoid the bullets so you find a safe area where the enemies will shoot each other instead, but yeah it shouldn't be near impossible either to avoid the shots as it seems now. I tweaked it. As for the buttons most are extra.  You can beat the fame with moving around and "shooting"