This is just all my personal log of developing something for this game jam...
+ Created nuclear families (had to for spawning though it was on the wishlist). Families size is 1-6 citizens, with 1-3 adults (3rd might be a grandparent or some other relationship) and remainder are children. Age is randomly generated with adults 4-9 decades old and children 1-3. Families start with the same Willfullness statistic (which affects whether they follow decrees like wearing a mask), but individuals will go up and down on their own and make their own decisions after initial setting.
+ Enhanced sick model - Citizen must be sick for 2 days before showing symptoms and affecting others, giving incubation time. Has a chance of dying (becoming a ghost...this is supposed to be a cute game) based on age. Still need to refine this further, probably should go to hospital first if sick and then become ghost from there. Model progression of sickness.
+ Created schoolhouse asset in Blender. Way too long to make this. Will likely try to complete the game before working on any further assets.
My current simulation model:
Infection Model
- Target Rigidbody's trigger collides with Other rigidbody
- if Target is already sick, they won't catch it again
- If Other rigidbody is sick & has been sick over 2 days, then test for infection for Target
- if Other rigidbody is wearing a mask, use 2% infection chance, otherwise 5%
Sickness Model
- Sick citizen stays sick for 14 days
- Sick citizen is infectious after 2 days of being sick
- Sick citizen infects other models using the Infection Model
- Once well again, citizen is immune and can no longer infect others
Hospitalization/Fatality Model
- Assuming 5 days before symptoms fully appear and sicken (4-5 from CDC)
- When sick, citizen has a chance of death (becoming ghost) based on their age, if they do not die, they become well and are immune
- Age Grp Death
- 1 0.1
- 2 0.1
- 3 0.5
- 4 1.3
- 5 3.2
- 6 15.6
- 7 21,1
- 8 26.4
- 9 31.7