I was writing a pretty slick review of this quaint game, but I foolishly pushed Ctrl+R instead of Shift+R. I went as indepth as the last few braincells in my head could. So be prepared for a far shorter review than I had anticipated.
Not to bash any devs including this one, but I wouldn't have expected this game to come from this jam considering what most of the other creations that came from this jam look like at first glance. It definitely stands out and fits the theme.
The gameplay is simple. Simplicity isn't a bad thing of course. Just run, gun and occasionaly jump. Though, I did find but one feature that I believe is unintended. If you find yourself in the same situation, do be warned: you will drop frames, be swarmed, and the sound will compile into some vile amalgamtion of noise pollution. I'm sure that, given more time, the dev would have implemented other weaponry.
The thing that attracted me to try this out the most was the visuals. I love the color scheme so much considering it's about drugs the undead (which makes me all the more happy). I was also interested at how the gun provides light when fired. I'll chalk that up as an intended effect since it brings me more joy than I think it should.
Anyhow, the TLDR of this is: if I was going to introduce this to a friend, it would be as a breather from other fps games as it is fun for the few minutes that most people end up playing it. I became somewhat invested and gave it a few tries until I had a score I was proud of.
Thank you Dev and Unexpected Game Jam.