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A note on consistency in the scenario: It's strange that only 20 years passed and in it a whole war happened, a system of slavery was established and dissolved, a species of billions lost and regained its independence in one mere generation, and then the young people say something like "We're the first generation of humans to be allowed to receive the same education as other races!" No, you're not! Their parents would still have whatever level of education they reached before the war, and the youth should be aware of that.

20 years is just incredibly short for all that to happen. For comparison, in the Star Trek universe, Cardassia occupied Bajor with little resistance and yet the occupation lasted 50 years, it took over 30 years for the infrastructure of slavery to be developed, and it took about 30 years for the Bajoran Resistance to organize and win independence back. And even that speed of events is.... compressed significantly for the sake of fiction.

The characters need a more reasonable sense of time, or the timeline for the events needs to be extended for statements like the quote above to be believable.


That's the thing, war never happened.

This is why it feels inconsistant, it's because it just straight it didn't happen, something else did.

And for that to make sense the game still needs a lot of development as it's a major plot twist that I need to flesh out proprely.

As for the sentence "We're the first generation [...]"

I'm talking about magic there, humans never knew magic before the elven "invasion".

So yeah they are the first generation to recieve the same education as other races regarding magic."

I feel like comparing my game to Star Trek is quite the overstretch, comparing an icon of science fiction to what a guy does in his room in his free time is quite a gap.

I do hear your arguments, and I definitely agree that the story isn't always consistant !