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Finally, I got the time to play through everyone’s routes. And OMG, I think I’m in love with all three of them! 🥰

I like Reed’s weird cute nature now. He was angry at MC for being oblivious or indifferent about his feelings for her. And I thought that ‘resentment’ was ‘suspicious behavior’ on his part. Then I concluded that Reed was just heartbroken over harboring seemingly ‘unrequited’ love. Perhaps Reed took that frustration out on MC with snarky, snide remarks here and there. Overall Reed loves and cares about MC in his own way. 😊

I love Jewel so much. She is so beautiful and kind-hearted 😘. At first, I didn’t know that Jewel harbors feelings for MC. Later on, I could tell that Jewel has feelings for MC who is so oblivious. In MC’s defense, MC seems work oriented as any tier five in hiding would be. After all, MC is taking part in an illegal business. 

I like how Flavio makes fun of Laurent and MC. I wonder if Flavio knows that Reed has feelings for MC, but I’m sure Flavio would know something so obvious. However, I hope Reed doesn’t dislike Flavio more for helping Laurent and MC become something more than just friends. Also, I want to say that Laurent and MC are so cute sometimes. 🤗

I can't wait until the next update! 🤓

I love your game so, so much! ❤


I am glad you liked the new chapter! <3