Prologue "rate of speed" -> "speed", it already refers to a rate, so saying rate of speed is redundant
Ch 1 "You felt bad for $himher, but you had to decide quickly." When saving Arone, pronoun issues when referring to companion
female player characters "have a scruffy beard", with only an option to set their previous beard length
After getting whipped: Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: getVal: Invalid type for value. 'undefined' = type undefined, but should be integer.
<<set _newVal = (setup.getVal($npcs[$statusreyth], 2) + 1).clamp(1, setup.relation.length - 2)>>
<<set $npcs[$npcreyth] = setup.setVal($npcs[$npcreyth], 2, _newVal)>>
Not hungry: Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: hasFlag: Invalid type for value. 'undefined' = type undefined, but should be integer.
<<if setup.hasFlag($npcs[$statusreyth], "enemy") or setup.hasFlag($npcs[$statusreyth], "dead")>>\ <<set _newVal = (setup.getVal($npcs[$npcreyth], 2) - 1).clamp(1, setup.relation.length - 1)>> <<set $npcs[$npcreyth] = setup.setVal($npcs[$npcreyth], 2, _newVal)>> <</if>>
Could be more stuff, not sure if there is much variation from choices or if it's "on rails" like you said
EDIT: added error details