Maybe. You need to be paying close attention. The imposter could be shaded. If you are doing a task, u usually won't see the imposter. Maybe colours are shaded out and hats and pets not exist while you are in a task. The idea I made would be paired really well with first person, (or only seeing the people in a cone shaped area in front of you, so like a FOV) but yes, the imposter could be shaded. Maybe hats can be disfigured, so it would be a deduction: Who wears hats?
The imposter would probably be known beforehand. Plus, this "knockdown" would be rare.
The point is so, there is a slight chance that the imposter will be revealed for every kill. This is only like 3-5% chance.
Plus, devs can add or take from this idea. Many ideas could be made, then some changed a bit then used. If the devs want to use the medbay or something, they would scrap the rest. Maybe they would change an aspect of my idea. In the end it's up to them. Add percent, add idea on to my idea.... Anything. I just want to make the game better, and in my eyes, giving the medbay a use AND having a surviving imposter system is 2 in one!