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Jordo! You've done it again, haven't you! I LOVE the aesthetic and concept of this game, totally sick. I did have a tiny bit of trouble knowing which head I was at first, and also It was hard to keep track of how much damage I'd done to the enemy. both of those could be fixed with like, me vs them hp bars/hearts on each side, corresponding to our heads. I also think maybe overhauling the action UI on the top would be good, like making it a bar with different symbols on it, with lengths that accurately reflect how long the cursor/selector stays there. While we're at it, I think a cool feature to implement if this ever gets polished up (or possibly in the supposed sequel you mentioned) if the order and/or length of the different actions was random each time. Maybe that makes it less fun, I do tend to veer towards the random, but I think it'd be worth a shot!

All great points! I did consider overhauling and expanding the UI and randomizing the order (I even thought about having icons swap during play, but that seemed too mean for what is essentially a first stage), and only settled on the current version to keep it doable within the time constraints and my skill level. We're definitely on the same page, I'd love to try implementing those features in future iterations. Thanks for the feedback!