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my turn now

Stand name: Neon Trees (referencing the band of the same name)

Ability: Chromokinesis (Manipulation of colors)

Description: Neon Trees is a Stand capable of absorbing the color around it , and converting it into energy in its body. When that energy is released, it can deal quite a bit of damage, depending on the amount of energy released and the concentration of it, but cannot damage anybody who is colorblind. 

Form: When retracted, it takes the form of the user's shadow. When it's being summoned, it emerges from the user's shadow facing the direction opposite to which the shadow was pointing.

Range: The maximum absorption range is 6 meters around the stand. The stand itself can move within a range a bit shorter than that of Heirophant Green's.

Limitations: Neon Trees can only have a certain amount of energy in it at a time before both it and its user begin to increase their body temperature at an alarming rate, causing a fever or spontaneous combustion. Its color attacks cannot damage anybody who is completely colorblind (only sees in black and white).

Appearance: Neon Trees emerges as a pitch black humanoid figure with neon pink sunglasses (think the ones people would wear indoors) and an afro through which it absorbs and distributes color.


Spectrum Barrage: A barrage attack where Neon Trees focuses its energy into its hands and feet, and releases them through a rapid barrage of punches and kicks.

Spectrum Finisher: Neon Trees finishes its barrage by focusing its remaining barrage energy into one hand or foot, and punches/kicks the victim, ending its barrage.

Chroma Shot: Neon Trees focuses energy into its hand and releases it as a ball of color, about  three quarters the size of Narancia Ghirga's Aerosmith.

Chroma Beam: Similar to Chroma Shot but it's focused as a constant ray released with both hands.

World of Color: Neon Trees absorbs all the energy it can and releases it all at once as a massive ray of light. Meant as a last resort, and is very similar to Bites the Dust.

Blind: Neon Trees focuses a bit of energy into its fingers and pokes the victim's eyes, blinding them once the pain subsides. Also works on other Stands.

What do you think?

It's a bit tempting to change the name of the user but it's still a work in progress...

Color Manipulation, eh? Cool concept once again. And yet again, i have a question. The thing is about colorblind, is that there is 3 types of them. Red-green, Blue-yellow, and total colorblindness. Will that make any exception? Because being colorblind doesnt mean they cant completely see any color, only a certain amount of it. Unless if they are in the type of total colorblind, of course.

Oh, and about the effect, if the ability activates, what happened to the area that the color is stolen on? Will it turn to be a grayscale?

It will turn into a grayscale until the energy is released and hits something.

Total colorblindness means total immunity to attacks. Otherwise, it would depend on how much color of the attack they would be able to see. They would take damage equal to the percentage of color they would be able to see. For example, if it's 25% red and no green, the victim would take 75% of the attack and the rest would return to the spot it was taken from. Thank you for the questions!

Oh okay, i understand. Very nice concept indeed.