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A member registered Sep 25, 2020

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(1 edit)

Has this man heard of the "shift" key?

But this description is confusing--like, it's polygonal, traps people within itself, that part I get. Until someone sacrifices themselves is a  bit OP. The last part confuses me, though. Fog-like matter, I get that part, but what does it have to do with its ability? Is it its shape? Does it trap people via the fog? What does it do? The most confusing part is "shine of love". Huh? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Last part is the stats. Personally, I'd switch the range and the durability. I think the range would be where the majority of the Stand's strength lies, so the other stats would be a bit lower, which is sort of what you did here.

For reference, these are the typical scaling for stats:

A - Superior

B - Above average

C - Average/The abilities of a normal human.

D - Below average

E - Abysmal

Some As and Bs scale different from others, same with C-E. Araki's stats CAN be inaccurate with the Stand's abilities demonstrated, such as The Emperor, a Stand that shot a bullet, redirected it around Silver Chariot's rapier, then redirected back to where it was.

Stand Name: Eye Of The Tiger (referencing the song by Survivor)

Ability: Superhuman intuition & combat prowess

Appearance: EOTT is a suit-based Stand with a color scheme akin to the fur of a tiger's: A darker shade of orange with black, jagged stripes around the body. Like White Album, it has a sort of face protection. Its head has backward-facing spikes on the upper left and right of the head, resembling ears.

Description: A suit-based stand that gives enhanced martial prowess and superhuman intuition when equipped.

Limitations: Primarily its range. It's less durable than White Album, but much faster and lighter.


Power: B (about as strong as the claws of a tiger)

Speed: A (light and quick is its thing)

Range: C (a few centimeters longer than a normal human's arms)

Durability: D

Precision A (referring to the intuitive abilities of the Stand)

Potential: B


Tiger Claw: EOTT's fingertips are sharpened like razor-sharp claws, and the user slashes the opponent with them at a high speed.

Pounce: EOTT jumps forward suddenly and if the initial strike hits, a powerful combo begins.

Watching us All: EOTT is able to see their opponent's next actions for up to a few seconds in the future, akin to Epitaph, in a sense.

Back on the Streets: When in a pinch,  EOTT's abilities are significantly enhanced.

Stand User: Vincenzo Fiamma


Hair: Black

Eyes: Light Green

Skin: Beige

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 127 lbs.

Age: 28

Stand Obtained: Stabbed by Black Sabbath after narrowly failing the lighter challenge. He survived and joined Passione in order to get to the bottom of the gang's true motives.

Character: Fiamma was once a very skilled kickboxer named Scoppio Abbatere, known for his rush-down, yet calm fighting style. Eventually, he found out that his bosses were exploiting his popularity to make a lot of money, so he retired and went into hiding under an alias, that being his current name. He retired his gloves and only used his skills if another picked a fight. One day, a Passione member happened to see him fight, and asked him to join his gang, Passione, which he knew for selling drugs to minors. He had a feeling there was more to the gang than meets the eye, so he joined. He ended up recruiting a couple other people, who in turn recruited a few more members. The group's goal was to defeat Polpo and uncover secrets of Passione.

This is the leader of the group Cielo and Silva are a part of, links to their Stands and backstories below:



That is very true. Thank you for the input!

haha requiem can be as broken as we want

I once saw a video on a concept similar to that, where a JoJo character enrolled at UA...

A shame the video's quality was absolute shit. The image quality sucked and I could barely hear the audio.

Ight another one here we go, not a crusader requiem stand tho

Stand Name: Mr. Blue Sky (please tell us why you had to hide away for soo long)

Ability: Air & Fog manipulation

Appearance: A humanoid stand who wears a black fedora and gold John Lennon glasses with black lenses. It has a face and dark purple lightining-esque lines going down its face. Its body is half red, half yellow, with a blue tuxedo and white shoes. It has half-red-half-yellow rings on its wrists, which it uses as part of its Stand ability.

Description: A humanoid Stand capable of manipulating and creating air currents and fog.

Limitations: Only able to create a certain amount of wind and fog. Cannot control the oxygen level of the air, only the speed and direction of it. The above applies to fog as well, when it comes to density.


Power: B (referring to the average amount of wind strength)

Speed: A (referring to wind speed)

Range: C (5 meters)

Durability: D

Precision: C (referring to the direction of the wind)

Potential: C


Blue Sky Barrage: MBS unleashes an average-speed barrage of punches.

Blue Sky Bluster: Acts as a stand-alone attack as well as a barrage finisher. MBS punches with one of its arms as the ring around it expands, releasing a powerful gust of wind in the direction of the punch.

Ring Toss: MBS expands a ring and hurls it at the opponent.

Fog Creation: MBS expands both its rings to create fog from them. MBS can use the fog's movement to detect anything moving inside the fog.

Windy Shield: MBS expands both its rings and rapidly spins them around each other as they blow out wind, creating a shield around the user.

Bluster Boost: MBS takes its user and uses a powerful gust of wind to blast both it and its user into the sky. The stream of wind can be kept steady to allow flight for a short period of time.

Ring Drill: MBS expands its rings and puts them above and below its user. MBS holds its user as it spins rapidly, with wind blowing from behind in both rings, causing movement. MBS propels itself forward and acts as a human drill.

Ain't a Cloud in Sight: MBS expands both its rings around its wrists and begins spinning them in opposite directions as they blow wind, creating a replica of Wamuu's Divine Sandstorm.

User: Alto Cielo


Hair: Caramel with silver highlights

Eyes: Gray

Skin: Pale Beige

Height: 5'9''

Weight: 108 lbs. (Anemic)

Age: 22

Stand Obtained: Cielo has had his Stand since birth. It manifested when he was 6 years old, and has since grown more timid and distant from his peers, in fear they would find out about his Stand and treat him as an outcast.

Character: Cielo is a 22 year-old man who was dragged into Passione after trying to stop a drug deal with his Stand. He's a shy, yet kind-hearted man who has a hidden sense of justice. He ended up bringing Selvaggia Affamata into Passione from Polpo's orders. He was reluctant to do so, but didn't have a choice. In secret, his group plans to take down Polpo and leave Passione.

Cielo is a member of the group mentioned in Selvaggia "Silva" Affamata's bio. Here's the link:

30-second time stop (even it's it the very maximum) and 1 mile range. If this were a Requiem that would make sense, but I see no detail stating it's a Requiem/evolved Stand. and a B in range is a lot less than a mile.

Also, The World, by the end of part 3, has a 10-second time stop and the same speed as Star Platinum, which (I think) is slower than the speed of sound.

"Smooth Criminal is a God-like Stand"


Stand Name: Heirophant Requiem

Stand User: Noriaki Kakyoin

Ability: Piloting, tentacle manipulation, and reflection of abilities

Appearance: A similar appearance to its original form, however it now has a similar substance to the liquid used for the Emerald Splash covering its body as a robe. Its forehead has the symbol of the arrow pointing upward from  just above the middle of the gap between its eyes. The robe is a very dark shade of red, almost maroon.

Limitations: There's an incredibly slim chance somebody can deflect the Emerald Splash.


Power: A (Emerald Splash's power)

Speed: ? (Emerald Splash's speed. It outspeeds even Star Platinum and The World)

Range: ? (Pilot ability's maximum range is now 5 kilometers, Emerald Splash is 50 meters)

Durability: B (Durability of the Stand itself)

Precision: ? (INCREDIBLY accurate with any of its attacks, also surpasses the precision of Star Platinum's attacks)

Potential: ? (technically reached its full potential with Requiem)


Emerald Splash: A long-ranged flurry of emeralds nobody can deflect (for real this time). Also more accurate and Kakyoin can choose if the emeralds disperse outwards or go in a straight line.

Coiled Body: HR's body and robe are made up of small, string-like membranes that can be controlled at will. These can be used for a variety of things.

Marionette Control: HR moves its coils (including those of its robe) into a person's body, controlling their limbs until HR is either retracted or until Kakyoin is finished controlling the victim.

20-Meter Radius Emerald Splash: HR surrounds the victim with its coils and unleashes an omni-directional Emerald Splash around the victim. These can move faster than The World/Star Platinum can stop time.

Emerald Barrier: HR disperses its robe into coils to surround either Kakyoin or a victim in all directions. HR is able to manipulate these coils however it pleases, allowing it to enter and exit the barrier, or even become a part of it altogether.

Pilot: Kakyoin can control HR farther than usual for up to 5 kilometers away. He is able to see with HR as well as his own vision, alternating between the two.

Stand-Catching Spear: HR sharpens one of its coils like a spear and jabs it at the victim at an extremely high speed. When used in succession, it will forcefully hoist out the victim's Stand. The caught Stand's abilities and appearance are revealed to Kakyoin and then negated for up to 8 minutes (subject to change based on feedback.

This is NOT a canon Stand and simply a concept I made up. If you have any (useful) feedback, I'd love to hear it!

take a screenshot of the in-game stand screen, then upload it in the comments here

you can use the comment itself to write additional information about the stand if u want to


(1 edit)

Stand Name: Magician's Requiem

Stand User: Muhammad Avdol (Alternate universe where he dives to get Polnareff and Iggy out of the way, and just barely makes it under Cream's void)

Ability: Enhanced Pyrokinesis & Space Manipulation

Appearance: Same humanoid figure with the head of a bird, with flaming eyes and the Requiem Arrow's symbol going down from the forehead to the start of the beak. The body is the same humanoid shape, but the feathers covering the wrists and legs are now pure fire. The boots remain the same, however the arrow's symbol is now visible decorating the boots, starting at the end and going up to the top of the boot. The flames are now blue instead of red, as are the arrow symbols. Everything else remains the same.

Limitations: The fire now has the same properties of a gas fire, only growing when in contact with water. The only way to stop them is to cover them, and even then the flames are so hot they can melt almost anything.


Power: ? (Referring to the fire itself)

Speed: ? (Also referring to the fire itself)

Range: B (Range of the Stand itself)

Durability: B (Durability of the Stand itself)

Precision: ? (Accuracy of the flames)

Potential ? (It's technically reached its fullest potential with Requiem)


Fiery Barrage: MR unleashes a fast flurry of punches, its fists covered in blue flame.

Fiery Finisher: MR finishes its barrage with a more powerful punch, the fist also covered in blue flame.

Crossfire Hurricane: Same as before, however it's more powerful and allows even more control. Can hit people in other dimensions/erased time, like Over Heaven attacks in most JoJo Roblox games.

Blue Bind: Red Bind, but it's blue and hotter, suffocating the opponent quicker than before. Flames are also much stronger and more durable. Does not melt the victim's body unless done so manually.

Life Detector: Same as before, but capable of tracking Stand Users such as Vanilla Ice in Cream's dimension. Now tracks off of heartbeat instead of heat signature.

Burning Portal: MR creates a rift in space with its fire in two different spots. When Avdol or something MR created enters one portal, it comes out the other.

How the fight played out: As Avdol dived into Polnareff and Iggy sending himself and his friends to the ground, a somewhat translucent purple sphere zoomed above them, just barely passing the back of Avdol's head, as a bit of his hair was swallowed up by the passing void. They were all confused at first, but they soon realized it was the work of an enemy Stand user. They followed it into the next room, Avdol still wondering why his life detector couldn't sense him. He knew right away that the only way to win this fight was to figure out the Stand's ability, and how to exploit it. As Vanilla Ice peeked out of Cream's void, he saw Iggy, Polnareff, and Avdol heading towards him. He hid back into his void and charged forward at the three of them. Iggy was small enough to duck, and Polnareff jumped out of the way, losing some of his toes to the void. The fight played out mostly the same, but they realized the ability sooner thanks to Avdol, meaning they never needed to trick him with The Fool.

Keep in mind this is just a fan concept, and is NOT canon. I'd love feedback in the comments!

(1 edit)

Stand Name: Eat It (Referencing the parody of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" by Al Yankovic)

Ability: Eaten object manipulation

Appearance: A quadrupedal beast-like Stand, its face is comprised of one giant mouth.  Its head and body are black and its body is like a tiger's, without the cool stripes..

Description: A horrifying beast-like Stand that can inhale non-organic objects and either reform them and spit them out, or swallow it and gain the item's properties for combat.

Limitations: Can only inhale non-organic objects (man-made things) that are able to fit into its large mouth. Its stomach is a pocket dimension where a swallowed item gets reshaped and spit back out as something else (for example, inhaling a bullet and reforming it into a washer, which is a small metal ring). It can only spit one thing out at a time, but it's possible to merge multiple smaller items that are inhaled, as well as reform them. Cannot swallow more than one object at a time.


Power: A (Referring to its melee attacks, not its Reformed Projectile attack)

Speed: D (Referring to inhaling and spitting out an item, melee attacks are a B)

Range: C (9 meters)

Durability: B (Without any item swallowed)

Precision: C (Its melee attacks are quite basic, and Reformed Projectile varies on the item spit out)

Potential: C


Inhale: Eat It inhales an object

Reformed Regurgitation: Eat It spits out a reformed item to be utilized by the user.

Reformed Projectile: Eat It spits out a reformed item at a high speed, doing damage varying on the item.

Swallow: Eat It swallows an inhaled item, gaining its properties (for example, swallowing a poisonous dart would make its claws poisonous. Uses the property of the material when possible). Effect lasts for five minutes at the most, but is overwritten when a new item is swallowed, and can be manually deactivated. User does not gain the properties of the swallowed item.

Wild Bash: Eat it rams into the victim recklessly, doing a lot of damage but leaving it open for an attack. Damage varies on item swallowed, if any.

Claw Slash: Eat It slashes the victim with its sharp claws. Damage varies on item swallowed, if any.

Seed Gatling: Eat It is fed a pomegranate by its user, and spits out the seeds as if it were a machine gun firing bullets. Deals as much damage as Joseph's Tommy Gun.

User: Selvaggia "Silva" Affamata


Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Beige

Height: 5'6

Weight: 110 lbs.

Age: 24

Character: Silva is a young Italian Zookeeper in Venezia (called Venice literally everywhere else), Italy. She may not seem like it, but she has a big appetite. Her pastimes include tending to the animals at the zoo, eating sweets (in moderation, of course), and playing with her cat.

Stand Obtained: She was walking home from a later shift one night, when she was stabbed by Black Sabbath. 

Origin: Polpo soon found out about Silva being stabbed and surviving, and tasked a member of Passione to find Silva and bring her to Polpo. 

 A few days later, she was found by the Passione member. He silently loomed a safe distance from Silva, and when she was alone in an isolated area, he apprehended her with his Stand and took her to Polpo. When she came to, she was in a room with Polpo and the man who took her to Polpo. She ended up being recruited after keeping the lighter lit for 24 hours. She didn't want to join the gang, but she didn't have any other skills besides eating and taking care of animals. Silva was running low on funds, and needed to make a living somehow. 

She was filled in on the team's plan to overthrow Polpo and separate from the gang to do good deeds instead of bad. The group left Passione upon Polpo's passing, and worked together to do various good deeds starting in Venice, then across Italy, ending up having to fight Passione members tasked with killing them after word got out of their plan from one of the group's former members.

Hey, you could make a side-story out of this!

(1 edit)

Here we go... Nobody asked for this but here it is.

Name: American Dream Requiem

Requiem Obtained: One of the people who found the arrows was a scientist for the U.S. Government. He managed to sneak one of he arrows to the president, who ended up being chosen by the arrow due to his strong loyalty to his country. He stabbed himself with the arrow and obtained American Dream. He had kept it locked up in an incredibly safe place, and checked every day to see if it was still there, in fear it would be taken into the wrong hands. 

One day, the arrow began to react again. He didn't take it out, but he left it to be further examined. The day finally came where a thief tried to take the arrow for himself. He was renowned across the U.S. for managing himself in and out of secure locations. As it turned out, he had a Stand too. He recently found out about the president's arrow and tried to take it for himself. 

Secret Service was after him, as was the president. The thief's stand managed to kill the secret service officers, one of whom retrieved the arrow. The arrow reacted to the president once again, and American Dream was pierced by the arrow. It began to change in a bright red, white, and blue light. When the light subsided, it had obtained Requiem. Due to the president's strong will to protect his country and the arrow, the arrow merged with AD.

Appearance: Same as before, but now with shoulder pads and knee pads with a symbol resembling the arrow it was pierced with. Its beak was also branded with that symbol. Its eyes now have a brighter glow and a faint red, white, and blue aura.

Range:  Meters

Limitations: Still limited by patriotism, but the power is through the roof and the user's patriotism so strong, it effectively has none.


Power: ?

Speed: ?

Durability: A

Range: E-S

Precision: ?

Potential: ?


Star-Spangled Barrage: Same as before, but WAY more powerful

Patriot Finisher: Same as before, but also WAY more powerful.

Eagle's Wings: ADR merges with its user and takes flight.

Wing Arsenal: Same as before, but longer and deadlier.

Patriotic Shield: ADR spreads its wings in front if it and its user, forming a nearly indestructible shield.

American Ace Pilot: ADR separates from its user, allowing it to be piloted. It can fly, pass through objects, and even attack. Its user is still vulnerable in this state, but ADR returns when it is either done so manually or if its user feels external pain (such as stubbing your toe). It's extremely fast and has high range, though it isn't infinite.

50-Star Beatdown: Same as before, but each punch deals significantly more damage.

No more Patriotic Spirit, as that wasn't the state AD was in when it was pierced. 

Who needs balancing with Requiem? Requiem Stands are designed to be overpowered.

I might add the thief's stand too if u guys want, but it's nothing really interesting.

(2 edits)

American Dream (Reference: Song by MKTO)

Ability: Flying Punchy Ghost

Appearance: The head of a bald eagle with glowing white eyes, with a body resembling a superhero's, with stars and stripes on the costume with wings that, when put side-to-side, look like an American Flag.

Range: 2 meters

Limitations: Can use its wings for combat to compensate for its short range, and is extremely powerful at close range, but the power varies by how patriotic its user is.


Power: A

Speed: A

Durability: C

Range: E

Precision: B

Potential: B


Star-Spangled Barrage: A stand barrage, each punch faster than a bullet.

Patriot Finisher: A barrage finisher with the strength of a cannon.

Eagle's Wings:  AD takes its user into the air and flies with its wings.

Wing Artillery: Think Pharah's Ultimate in Overwatch, just on the ground. Several various firearms erect from AD's wings and open fire on any victim in range.

Patriotic Spirit: Only triggered when AD feels it's necessary (aka when the user is in a really sticky situation), AD merges with its user, becoming a much stronger, but shorter ranged, suit stand keeping its attacks from before.

50-Star Beatdown: Only usable when Patriotic Spirit is active, AD and its user punches the victim into the air and does a barrage of 50 powerful punches, the 50th being a finisher.

User: Literally any good president of the USA.

Ooh, I've got a good one, I would say.

Stand Name: Right Round Act 1 (An Act Stand like Echoes and Tusk) (References a song I hope you know)

Ability: Spin Distribution

Description: Right Round Act 1 is a spherical Stand about 1.5 times the size of a steel ball. It's capable of imbuing any small object that it touches with Spin energy.

Appearance: A green, spherical Stand with light green accents around its sides, top, and bottom that look like Gyro Zeppeli's facial hair. Its face consists of two pink, long, oval-shaped eyes on the front and back.

Range: 12 Meters (It's much weaker in this state)

Limitations: It's generally very small and weak, and when it comes to direct combat, it's a little stronger than a steel ball with minimal amounts of Spin. Its main use lies in its ability, able to imbue small objects (as in no bigger than a small beach ball, which is a little bigger than RRA1) with a bit of Spin energy.


Spin Induction: RRA1 touches an object with its spherical body, imbuing it with a relatively small amount of Spin.

User: Girevole "Jerry" Pallone

Occupation: Upper Secondary School Second-Year

Appearance: Has blonde hair and light green eyes.  Wears a black school uniform with a light green tie with dark green polka-dots and black dress shoes. Casually, he wears a white tank top with a dark brown puffer jacket and khakis.

Character: At this point, he's just an Upper Secondary Student born in Naples, Italy, who just discovered his Spin capabilities, as well as his Stand. What he doesn't know is that when he was young, his parents knew that they would be found and killed by a certain individual who wanted to eradicate the last of the Zeppeli family. Before Jerry's parents were killed, they brought Jerry to an old family friend of theirs who lived in Rome, and gave Jerry to them. 

Shortly afterward, Jerry's parents were murdered, and the Girevole Family adopted him. They knew his lineage, but never told him in fear of what would happen. Once, he was bouncing a ball against the wall while in detention (he was never the greatest student), and began focusing on it. Spin energy began to course through his arm into the ball, and as he threw it, it went as fast as a bullet and left a dent in the wall. At that moment, his Stand, Right Round, manifested before his eyes.

Jerry is the Great-Great-Great-Grandson of one of Gyro Zeppeli's siblings (not sure if he had siblings but I would assume so), and the last user of Spin.

Later Acts to come, as well as character development.

Don't worry about it. Sometimes I read posts I find interesting and forget to look at the day it was posted.

had to do it

(2 edits)

Stand Name: Dream On (referencing the Aerosmith song of the same name aka the best song to ever exist)

Type: Long Range/Utility Stand

Ability: Materialization & Pocket Dimension

Appearance: Has the figure of a genie, human from the waist up and the legs are a white fluffy cloud. Top half is a sky blue and there are smaller white clouds around the wrists and on the shoulders. It's wearing white goggles completely covering its eyes. Its hair is white like its goggles, and it's long and flows about as if it were blowing in the wind.

Description: A genie-like Stand that can take both it and its user into a pocket dimension, and can use it for various purposes. It's able to enter others' dreams via the pocket dimension and utilize it.

Range: 5 meters (without taking into account the pocket dimension

Limitations: Items can be imagined in the dimension, but only if the user knows the physics behind the item (same condition as Momo Yaoyorozu's Quirk in My Hero Academia). If DO and its user are in another's dream, the target can imagine things to gain the upper hand, and DO is significantly weaker.

Attacks (most of these will reference lyrics from the song)

Barrage - Your average barrage, just weaker than average. Has a finisher.

Maybe Tomorrow - Dream On's cloud takes it, its user, and sometimes an item in or out a pocket dimension.

Imagine Object - While in the pocket dimension, the user can imagine an object from inside, as long as they know the science of said object. Only works with objects that exist. Larger items take longer to create. Can throw objects out of the dimension via the cloud beneath DO's torso, but needs to exit the dimension with the object.

Look in the Mirror -  In the dimension, the user makes a reflection which turns into a clone of the user, and exits the dimension with the user. The clone acts off of what the user is thinking and cannot use a Stand in exchange for slightly heightened physical capability.

Dream Until Your Dreams Come True - The user takes a spear and exits the dimension with it. DO's clouds separate from its body and surround the target, then DO throws the spear, with enough force to go straight through the victim, into a cloud, causing the spear to go through another cloud, then another, and another, dealing heavy, if not lethal, damage.

(This kinda feels a little OP, but I feel the draw backs are significant enough to make it a bit weaker, but still on the stronger side)

User: Jens Molnig

Occupation: IKEA Employee

Appearance: Brown, curly hair with brown eyes. Wears an unzipped dark blue jacket and a black shirt underneath with jeans and white shoes.

Character: A 21 year-old Swedish man who lives a secluded lifestyle in the suburbs of Backa, Sweden. Talented with a guitar, though prefers not to show it. When he goes, he tries to fit in with a crowd. He spaces out at times, but he has a wild imagination. Often researches physics and the chemical makeup of the world around him. 

NOTE: No, I'm not European.

NOTE 2: No, I'm not gay, either.

I am neither gay nor European.

Stand Name: Guns 'N' Roses (referencing the rock band of the same name)

Type: Mixed Range

Ability: Human Arsenal (not sure how to put that)

Appearance: A robotic humanoid figure with a skull for a head. Dressed in a black trench coat with black gloves, pants, and boots with an all-black flamenco hat (minus the tassles hanging down) and a rose in its mouth.

Description: A humanoid Stand capable of transforming it or its user's limbs or torso into various firearms.

Range: 2 meters away from user, in exchange for added range from the firearms

Limitations: Only two limbs can be transformed at a time, with limited ammo that can be replenished both manually and automatically.


Firearm Transformation: The Stand's or User's limb (hand, forearm, whole arm or foot, lower leg, full leg) spins briefly and transforms into a firearm the user is familiar with. It has to be the same size as the weapon, meaning it has to be as long as part of an arm or leg.

Bullet Barrage: The user/Stand transforms both arms into assault rifles and empties their magazines (think Aerosmith's Vola Barrage)

Bullet Punch: GNR performs a rapid flurry of punches, each punch having the same speed and force as a bullet. Your standard Stand barrage with a finisher.

Cannonfire: A cannon erects from the user/Stand's chest and fires a cannonball. Is very lethal if not dodged.

Pistol Kick: The user/Stand's foot transforms into a pistol and kicks the opponent then fires once to a few times.

NOTE: The Stand's firearms have unlimited ammo and the Stand itself is faster, making it a better option in a more organized fight against another Stand User.

User: Carlo Tirador

Occupation: Professional hunter, secretly an assassin.

Appearance: A famed Spanish hunter often found in forests and jungles across Europe. Has brown hair and green eyes, about 5'8'', and wears a black trench coat with several pockets, black pants tucked in to a pair of black army boots, much like his Stand.

Character: Off the job, he's a bit of a flirt, and has many admirers, especially in his homeland of Spain. On the job, he is lethal to his target, both as a hunter and assassin, and takes his job very seriously. He hides in the trees and fires on wild game (an animal hunted for sport or food) desired in the country he's in at the moment. As an assassin, he is hired by various organized crime groups to track down and kill a target for money, most of the criminals being completely unaware of his Stand. The only ones who know are criminals who are Stand Users themselves.

As long as the user and the target can both see each other and look each other in the eye for it to work. If IBT's user can make out the physical appearance of the target the ability would work. In the case of Achtung Baby, if the user was covered in makeup or some way the user could see or make out the face, the ability could work. As in the case of a stand like Enter Sandman, both IBT's user and Enter Sandman's users would need to make eye contact, not the user and the stand.

Something I didn't mention in the description, it would need to be bare eye contact. If the target is wearing something to cover their eyes, such as glasses (with lenses of course), or was behind a solid object, the ability would not activate.

Insomnia inducement, I like it! Just for clarification, though, would the effect end if the stand was manually retracted?

It would copy the form of the copied Stand and would appear in its original form (not affected by Requiem or other form changes, such as Star Platinum) and would be able to use any abilities the copied Stand could use, just slightly weaker. In the case of more powerful attacks such as Time Stop, the duration would be decreased to the amount the user would know. If IBT copied The World, it would be capable of using Time Stop, but only for as long as the user would know at the time. Once again, thank you for the questions!

Total colorblindness means total immunity to attacks. Otherwise, it would depend on how much color of the attack they would be able to see. They would take damage equal to the percentage of color they would be able to see. For example, if it's 25% red and no green, the victim would take 75% of the attack and the rest would return to the spot it was taken from. Thank you for the questions!

It will turn into a grayscale until the energy is released and hits something.


name change time

(3 edits)

Another Stando for today!

Stand Name: I'll Be There (Michael Jackson song reference)

Ability: Stand Mimicry

Description: I'll Be There is a Stand that resides in its user's eye. It's the weakest Stand of all in its base form, but it can be extremely powerful if its ability activates.

Form: IBT resides in the user's eye and copies the abilities and shape of the Stand of any Stand user it makes direct eye contact with (as in they're looking each other in the eye) with, down to every last detail.

Range: The user's line of sight

Limitations: Ability only activates when both the user/stand and the target make direct eye contact with each other. If fighting a very experienced Stand user who knows their Stand very well, it can be problematic, even though IBT sends the information of the copied Stand to the brain, but not any advanced techniques. The effect wears off after ten minutes. The effect is blocked by any solid object, including glass.

Appearance: IBT's true appearance is unknown to everyone, including its user.


Mimic: If the user and the target (as in the stand's user, not the stand itself) look each other in the eye,  IBT replicates the target's Stand, if the target is a Stand User, for ten minutes.

User Profile

User: Akira Tamagashi

Age: 21

Appearance: A 5'6'' man with straight black hair styled to the side. Has one blue eye and one red eye. Lives a very boring life and wishes he could be somebody else with a more interesting life.

Personality: He's just a man who recently moved to Morioh, hoping he could find some spice of life there, as he had recently heard of bizarre events occuring there. 

Background: He discovered his Stand at the age of 10 when its ability activated for the first time when he and an old American man in tan clothes and hat looked each other in the eye when he was coming home from a vacation in Egypt. When they were leaving, thorny purple vines started sprouting from his arms. He eventually got them under control, but right when he had, they disappeared. Before that day, his life had been an average one. Average grades, average personality, just the definition of your average schoolboy.

Any thoughts? 

Dammit, why does it have to be top tier waifu material?

srsly tho great job, cool stando and zeppeli good

It's a bit tempting to change the name of the user but it's still a work in progress...

So it would be a mixture of Echoes and Return to Zero, with being able to make contact with something and make noise (though it's only one thing), with the ability similar to RTZ, where recent events are reverted?

h e h

my turn now

Stand name: Neon Trees (referencing the band of the same name)

Ability: Chromokinesis (Manipulation of colors)

Description: Neon Trees is a Stand capable of absorbing the color around it , and converting it into energy in its body. When that energy is released, it can deal quite a bit of damage, depending on the amount of energy released and the concentration of it, but cannot damage anybody who is colorblind. 

Form: When retracted, it takes the form of the user's shadow. When it's being summoned, it emerges from the user's shadow facing the direction opposite to which the shadow was pointing.

Range: The maximum absorption range is 6 meters around the stand. The stand itself can move within a range a bit shorter than that of Heirophant Green's.

Limitations: Neon Trees can only have a certain amount of energy in it at a time before both it and its user begin to increase their body temperature at an alarming rate, causing a fever or spontaneous combustion. Its color attacks cannot damage anybody who is completely colorblind (only sees in black and white).

Appearance: Neon Trees emerges as a pitch black humanoid figure with neon pink sunglasses (think the ones people would wear indoors) and an afro through which it absorbs and distributes color.


Spectrum Barrage: A barrage attack where Neon Trees focuses its energy into its hands and feet, and releases them through a rapid barrage of punches and kicks.

Spectrum Finisher: Neon Trees finishes its barrage by focusing its remaining barrage energy into one hand or foot, and punches/kicks the victim, ending its barrage.

Chroma Shot: Neon Trees focuses energy into its hand and releases it as a ball of color, about  three quarters the size of Narancia Ghirga's Aerosmith.

Chroma Beam: Similar to Chroma Shot but it's focused as a constant ray released with both hands.

World of Color: Neon Trees absorbs all the energy it can and releases it all at once as a massive ray of light. Meant as a last resort, and is very similar to Bites the Dust.

Blind: Neon Trees focuses a bit of energy into its fingers and pokes the victim's eyes, blinding them once the pain subsides. Also works on other Stands.

What do you think?