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This was pretty fun, but i feel like it would work a lot better if bullies only took 1 hit, or maybe starting bullies took 1 hit while later ones could take 2. Because of this, I always ended up being forced to take a hit at the start. Also, this would probably feel a lot better to play if you could pick up stones if they hit walls, since when I accidentally did that, it was hard to face the bullies with only 1 stone. 

The art was great! It felt like the player was actually in a school, and the pixel art clearly represented everything.

Thanks man. I used alot of time on the art and it means a lot to me! There is some updates i will make after judging. I will make the bullies slower and progress on the bullies (for 1 and 2 hits). And i will probably make it so you can pick up stones that hit walls too.