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You are Pluto and you've been absolutely miserable ever since you got demoted to a mere planetoid. O humiliation!

The entire solar system (accursed Earthlings!) is laughing at you, or so you feel–nay, know, in your sad planetoidary mind.

There is only one recourse. You, poor little dwarf planet, must slingshot yourself out of orbit and out into deep space, absorbing the mass of space junk and eventually other planets to become the size of the very sun.

The solar system mocks you.

Take it. It's yours.

More details forthcoming as we figure out what we can or can't do in the timeframe.

Coders can code entire galaxies in the blink of an eye. Right?

Here are some screenshots of our visual test:


That looks super adorable! Will you be uploading it to


oh thanks so much! :) yeah that's the plan, hopefully after some more tweaking depending on how far we get tomorrow (and whether I pour boiling tea over my hand again :D)


Hope your hand is okay! I'm looking forward to playing it. :)

(1 edit)

I survived, maybe it got rid of my carpal tunnel, jk :D Thanks!:D


Love the cute graphics :)

thank you!:)